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- Should she be prosecuted for what she did 67 years ago?
July 1, 2022 at 1:03 pm #78867
Benjamin F. AlexanderParticipantIn 1955, Black teenager Emmet Till was brutally lynched after a young white woman falsely accused him of making some sort of sexual assault or advance at her. Now, it’s been discovered that a warrant was issued back then for her arrest, but never served. Surviving members of Emmet Till’s family want her to be prosecuted now. Do you have any thoughts on this? There’s no real dispute that she did something heinous, but should a woman in her 80s be prosecuted now for what she did when she was in her 20s? I’d be interested in your thoughts. Here’s the story in Politico.
- This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Benjamin F. Alexander.
July 2, 2022 at 2:15 pm #78871
Aaron ArroyoParticipantHere is what I believe:
If she has repented that what she did was wrong, and she is remorseful over what she did, then she should not be prosecuted.
If not, she should be prosecuted.That’s all I really have to input on the matter.
July 2, 2022 at 8:10 pm #78875
LeRoyParticipantARE WE THERE YET?
I will simplify this…
The real question is… is there an expiration date or statue of limitations on a warrant, wait not any warrant but a warrant issued in the state of Mississippi in 1955?After this has been established we will move to the original question “Should a woman in her 80s be prosecuted now for what she did when she was in her 20s?” Answer: YES, Explained what does her age have to do with the issue? Are you insinuating that once you reach a 80 your scott FREE? Is that a law? Or are you saying if you get away with a crime for more than 65 years all charges are automatically dropped? If you have answer no to the previous 2 questions then the family is correct! Serve the warrant!
Now the family needs to understand that this is not a sentence. She still has to be tried in the court of law and there is no guarantee that Carolyn Bryant will be found guilty. There is no guarantee the trial will be a fair one. We have come a long way since 1955 however we are still not there yet.
To the Till’s family, keep pushing on and be prepared that there is a good chance the case may not go your way. You will then be opening pandora’s box and all types of ridicules, and disrespect will come from this.
In any event “Go for for it” even if she didn’t commit the crime she is an accessory to it.
February 20, 2024 at 10:48 pm #92839
SidnieParticipantThe case of Emmet Till was a stain on the history of the United States. The 14-year-old child was kidnapped, severely beaten and ultimately killed. These heinous actions stemmed from an accusation that Till had made improper advances toward a white woman in Money, Mississippi. An alleged whistle was the cause of the slaying of this young boy.
This event happened in 1955. Now, it has been found that a warrant was issued for the arrest of his accuser due to her lie. The warrant had never been served. I do feel that his accuser should face the consequences of her actions even in her old age. Although I know this would never happen, the principle of the situation is the reason behind my opinion. Emmet did not get the chance to live his life due to a lie. In a perfect world, this situation would have never happened, but we are not in that perfect world. In America, we all have a right to liberty and justice. Till has not received that; decades after his death.
February 20, 2024 at 11:03 pm #92840
Benjamin F. AlexanderParticipantNote of update: Emmet Till’s false accuser died last April at the age of 88. https://apnews.com/article/emmett-till-carolyn-bryant-donham-1bcfff1c5a29484270d66b224422f112
- This reply was modified 11 months ago by Benjamin F. Alexander.
February 25, 2024 at 11:30 pm #92951
nicolaskomarovParticipantWhen reading through this article and realizing that its not as a simple case as many think its more complex in that going back to the late 50s America was under a very radical point in a sense that we had Racial Bias since we know in our history that law enforcement and judicial authorities often turned a blind eye since segregation was still around, Moving forward to support my reason on why I think that this case is complex is that I feel like the family was afraid of retaliation since charges against donham way have been seen as inviting backlash or even violence since white supremacist groups were around. Furthermore to support my claims we seen this as a repeat in a sense in the 1959 case of The Killing of Emmett Till’s Cousin. but we can only think and have opinions since this case is so fragile
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