Ad­vanced Scenery Con­struc­tion Fall 2014

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  • cordless screw shooters and collated screw shooters
  • #13905

    michael rinaldi

    asked about in class today was cord­less screw shoot­ers.

    prod­uct demo (sales pitch) of a Hilti cord­less col­lated screw gun. its re­ally good at doing only one thing. but de­pend­ing on the type of work you do, or the shop, this might be a use­ful tool. down­side, is the bulk­i­ness and the spe­cial fas­ten­ers.

    overview video for the makita aut­ofeed that is pic­tured below. this one is a bit big­ger in its size, but to­wards the end of the video you’ll no­tice the ex­ten­sion arm for longer reach, which al­lows you to stand while using the tool. this is re­ally use­ful for putting down sheet floor­ing, like the floor­ing re­cently in­stalled in the Vorhees the­ater.

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