ADV 2340 Digital Photography 2

active 9 years, 11 months ago
ADV 2340 Digital Photography 2
This Course is OPEN.
Communication Design
Course Code
ADV 2340
Semester / Year
Spring 2014
Course Description

In this intermediate class, students use photographic style and light to transform subject matter in order to communicate ideas and feelings.


This course was created by: rmichals

Recent Posts


For my final I decided to photograph in a park that I have never been. This was a daunting […] See MoreFINAL


Portraits were difficult for me to complete. I am sort of self-conscience about my physical […] See MorePortraits

MidTerm Happy

The Happy photos came out so nice. I took my setup out side in on a bright sunny day, so I had the […] See MoreMidTerm Happy

Recent Comments

Comment on "A World of It’s Own"

I too loved the Christian Marclay piece. It is the perfect match between subject-audio tape and […] See MoreComment on "A World of It’s Own"

Comment on "MoMA: A World of Its Own exhibit – Arianna Bollers"

I am so glad to hear that the egg video and exercise were helpful and not just hopelessly […] See MoreComment on "MoMA: A World of Its Own exhibit – Arianna Bollers"

Comment on "A World of Its Own: Photographic Practices in the Studio"

I certainly agree that studio work is demanding. One needs patience to be good at it. If you […] See MoreComment on "A World of Its Own: Photographic Practices in the Studio"

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