Adopt Not Shop

active 2 years, 1 months ago
Adopt Not Shop
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Adopt Not Shop!

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This project was created by: Nicholas Mascarinas

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Why are dogs in shelters?

Why are dogs in shelters? There are many reasons for dogs to be in shelters. This included pets […] See MoreWhy are dogs in shelters?

Topic: Abandonment

Why do people abandon the dog that they have bought/adopted? Pets are abondoned due to: […] See MoreTopic: Abandonment

Adoption and Its Benefits

There are many reasons and benefits as to why people should adopt their dogs and I am going to […] See MoreAdoption and Its Benefits

Recent Comments

Comment on "Why do people prefer to buy dogs?"

To know more detailed information about all the dog breeds present in the world, you can visit See MoreComment on "Why do people prefer to buy dogs?"

Comment on "Why do people prefer to buy dogs?"

Yes exactly... Owning a dog gives us more relaxation and its a great stress buster.... You can […] See MoreComment on "Why do people prefer to buy dogs?"

Comment on "Why do people prefer to buy dogs?"

I adore the statement in this article that individuals want to own a trained dog for defence, […] See MoreComment on "Why do people prefer to buy dogs?"

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