Author Archives: Sharlene

Portrait for lighting and mood

The lighting is Fill light since the shadows are soft, There is some background light since there is a light around the subject/model. The mood is calm

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The lighting on this portrait is side lift and the photo is more focus on the Broad side. The broad side of the face is very soft while the short side has shadow.

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icp – sebastio salgado exhibit

The exhibit of Sebastio Salgado: Genesis, in the International Center for Photography, was a very interesting exhibit. There were over 100 photographs and two floors filled with photographs. The exhibit was broken up into different categories. The Categories were the … Continue reading

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shallow depth of field

This photo is my best example of shallow depth of field. The subject are the grapes, which they are very clear. The foreground and background is very blurry, which the shallow depth of field is shown.

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unusual tunnel

This is a photograph of the bridge’s tunnel. It has a nice detailed pattern going into the tunnel. The photograph also has an unusual point of view. The stone from the bridge looks like is flowing up and curved into … Continue reading

Posted in LL3-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

LL2 the chair

The photo of the chair is worms eye view. It also has a curved line. The photos off balance since part of the chair is cut off.  The photo is between medium and close up. There is also some negative … Continue reading

Posted in LL2-More on Composition | 1 Comment

Sharlene Parra HW 1 – photo description

The photo called “Four Children on Lenox Avenue, 1977 ” which is photographed by Dawoud Bey. This photo shows four children who are standing, which they seem to be waiting for somebody. Perhaps the four children are siblings and they … Continue reading

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The backlit of a photo

One of the visual elements in photography is backlit. With this visual element, the light comes towards the camera. while the shadows are at to the sides and bottom of the photo.  This lighting, it makes an interesting view on … Continue reading

Posted in LL1-Composition | 1 Comment