My Biography

Albert 12345People are curious about knowing the other person’s life whether they lived astonishingly or horribly. As for myself, I had encountered certain events in my life that are both astonishing and horrible that defined my personality today. As a kid, I was incredibly shy, and felt down most of the time. In KIPP Star, I was afraid to speak up for myself which led to my insecurity to my surroundings and being always negative to myself. I could not  make friends because of my shyness which later I got picked on for it. But, besides the darkness that surrounds my environment, I had my light of hope that helped me get to where I am. My parents loved me because I was doing school work, and was focused on what will I be when I grow up. I was able to see the beauty of Ecuador, and the jungle really set my mind at peace. In high school called St. Agnes, I was picked on because of the way I look. But despite all the harsh scolding that I had to encounter, I really had a good time going on trips like going to the retreat in Connecticut where there is nature and wildlife. Even though, there was darkness in my life that I had to remember everyday for the rest of my life, that darkness I had, I took it with me and it made me stronger. I converted that negativity into a positive energy by remembering all the beauty of my family and the good experiences I had with my friends at the beach. I love them and could not have done it without them. I thank them for the good experiences that they gave me and I am proud to be in this world still studying to become someone more than just a regular person. To those who scold me and berate who I am and what I am not, I am receiving a college education and becoming a great professional engineer and designer.
As a child, I had seen beauty of nature in the jungle of Ecuador, the canyons of Utah, and the wondrous outdoors of camping. In high school, I took an art history class that showed me different artists and styles of drawings and paintings, which inspired me to learn new art forms and sketches of objects. In my adolescence, my interest took its turn when movies and video games demonstrated new textures and realistic people with astonishing logos and designs. The designs really inspired me to be creative and invent new designs for armor, costumes, and an insignia. Many ideas and many designs are being created and influenced me to create a new complex and incredible portfolio that would eventually become a movie or a video game.
 The ideas became a habit of mine and motivated me to explore careers that resembles the skills I enjoy making that would become a legend to people. One of the other inspirations that motivated me to design are the textures and the designs on computers, and cars. In today’s society, cars are adapted to ways that redefines the future of technology with its smooth textures and sharp edges that astonished me and the way I look at cars. As a teenager, I got my first computer when I was in sixth grade, and I was not interested in computer, but as time passed by, computers began to adapt and form new surface edges and extremely astonishing designs that redefines the future of computers. I continuously work on my drawings to create new textures for the future and inspired me to look for careers that corresponds to the talents I love to do.
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