Coffee, Per Eater

So this IS a beverage course, so let’s explore another beverage…coffee. Share what you like about coffee. Here is a post by EATer on NYC coffee. My favorite, Brooklyn Roasting Company (just down the street at 25 Jay Street), is not on the list but I still respect what they wrote about: Best Cafe Coffee

What is your favorite coffee shop? Is it on the list?

Let me know of you try any of the shops on here.


Expand Your Palate, One Circle at a Time

Different Types of Wine Infographic Chart

Which Path of Circles Will You Follow on Your Personal Exploration of Wine

As you expand your understanding of wine and the options you have take a look at this infogram from Wine Folly. Think about flavors you like and then choose some wines to taste between classes. Let me know what you tried and what you like and did not like. I will do the same!

Click here to view Wine Folly’s website.