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Genre project with reflection quesitons

Eng1121 Genre Essay

  1. Some of the sources were found in the CityTech library database and the rest are online on the internet.
  2.  There was only a few authors that are well-known in this genre, the authors are connected to the genre since they were writers in a website called AnimeNewsNetwork.
  3.  What I was surprised to learn about the history of anime was that I found out about the “fathers of anime” that were 3 manga artist, one being a painter by just joining in a studio together.
  4.  There was not a lot of any sources on the library database about anime review specifically, but there were sources about the history of anime itself.
  5.  Obviously anime isn’t real, its just Japanese animation. But some of the story that the anime talks about are related to our life. For example, something like a young student going through his life as he changes.
  6.  What I discover about my writing when I wrote my own version of the genre is that I expected it to be hard since it was my first time writing one, but its something I am familiar with, so it was easy.
  7.  The easiest part of my own version is that the form that I followed for a general anime review is easy to follow which I did not had a hard time thinking about what to write.
  8.  The hardest part of my own version  is that I was having a hard time deciding which quote to put in my writing.
  9.  The first time I needed to do was to find the form that a general anime review has and think of like a “hook” or introduction to make the beginning of my review interesting for readers to catch.
  10.  What’s different about my writing in this type of genre than in other types I have written was that its simple to  decide what to write. Its like I have all the ideas on my mind but some parts are hard to put into words to make it sound like a normal review so the “discourse community” can understand.
  11.  Reading about my genre helped me figure out how I wanted to write my own is by the form or way its written. As a starter to writing my first anime review, the form was simple to understand and as well as getting some ideas about other authors review to get an idea of what kind of writing it is.

Reminders for tomorrow

Hi all,

Just a reminder that the project is due tomorrow (yes, all sections, including number 5!:)).  Please bring a hard copy of your work AND ALSO POST IT on the site here as an attachment or simply copy and paste.

NOTE: if for some reason you cannot fully finish, please bring what you have–something is always better than nothing.  Don’t forget that we need to be sure to discuss the quotes that we are using to answer  and explore the various questions.

Here are links again to remind you about formatting, including for the Works Cited page, in text citation, quoting, etc:

and a second one:


Reminders for Tuesday and Readings

Hi all,

Please have the Bradbury and Turkle texts with you on Tuesday.  Please be sure to have read and annotated the Bradbury short story.  For Thursday, please also read the following text:

IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY, please remember to email me your revised literacy essay…

Please also come in with at least one example/sample from the genre you plan to research.

See you all Tuesday!

Haiku & Reflection


Enduring facets

of exceptional self-appraisal

that’s narcissism


  1. I noticed that even though I was given a set of constraints/limitations it made it easier to write the haiku because it gave me a format to work with rather than just free writing and figuring out how to organize my ideas.
  2. I’ve never written or read a haiku before so what surprised me the most was how they only contained 17 syllables.
  3. The easiest part about writing this haiku was that I was given a set of constraints which helped me organize my writing because I already knew I had to follow a specific format. The hardest part was applying these constraints so that my writing makes sense. For example, making sure I followed the 5-7-5 rule using only the vocabulary from the DMV 5.
  4.  I didn’t really have a specific strategy at first just  because I never wrote a Haiku before. However, having the other Haikus as examples helped me understand how to write mine.

Haiku & Reflection


Empathy is identity

Build interpersonal skill

Remove grandiosity


  • Somethings I noticed about my writing is the constraints that made it easier to write and focused on a specific topic.
  • The most surprising part was the time I spent on writing the small Haiku. It took the same or more time as writing a paragraph.
  • The easiest part of the writing was come up with what is the haiku will be about or the idea and some of the main words.
  • The challenging part was to have the haiku correct format.
  • I don’t have any strategy about writing haiku because it was my first time. The examples of the haiku helped me to understand the format.



Haiku reflection

what I notice about my writing is that while I think of words I am also limited to certain amount of words which was challenging, because of the haiku has only 5,7,5 syllable poem.


Empathy and needs
Interpret identity
Serve existent flaws

Questions and my haiku

What I noticed about my writing is that from the constraints, I was thinking a lot more about limiting the word use to make it into a haiku. Its surprising that a small 5,7,5 poem can have a bigger meaning to it. Whats challenging was that I had to make a sentence smaller so it only has 5 or 7 syllables. And trying to figure out what I wanted to write about was easy in my opinion.


Has no empathy
that wants to be recognized
Is a disorder


Haiku reflection

  1. I noticed while writing this that it was much easier to write while focusing on one specific topic than just free writing and having many ideas flow through my head.
  2. What was most surprising to me was how hard it was to condense your ideas into 17 syllables and still get your point across.
  3. The easiest part of writing this haiku was coming up with different ideas and making multiple free writes. The most challenging part was condensing those ideas to make it fit the correct format.
  4. I didn’t really have a strategy I just put pen to paper and let whatever I thought come out.