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Jin-Woo Kim

Professor Dr. Leigh Gold

English 1121 – D423

Literacy assignment

Option 1

From the past to the present, reading and writing have had a great impact on people. Reading and writing are based on knowledge. Therefore, people are constantly learning and studying for the next course. This process requires reading and writing. Malcolm X has said, “People don’t realize how a man’s whole life can be changed by one book” (The Autobiography of Malcolm X, p.398). Reading and writing are a way to change my life.

Did reading and writing impact my life? Yes. I used to look for an internship, and wrote resume for 10 different companies. Every single company different forms of resumes required. I had to match myself to their requirements. They demanded my creative activity, career, or asked me about a book that I was impressed with. However, duo to a lack of language comprehension and using improper language, I was rejected everywhere. I didn’t know what the problem was. I asked for help from the career center. The advisor reviewed my resume and said “You can not find any job with this state. You need to develop your language skills first”. I was shocked. I thought the cause was somewhere else, not from my reading and writing. Therefore, I started to read articles related to current affairs, news, and business daily. In addition, I had a lot of writing exercises and grammar. After three months of preparation, I requested internships again. Eventually I found the internship at the manufacturing company. From this experience, reading and writing gave me a significant changes and opportunities.

Without reading and writing, leading others is not easy. I realized that in order to influence someone, I had to be able to read and write first. When I was in the Korean Marine Corps, I was a squad leader. A Korean squad leader has a duty to manage the company members. Therefore, I had to motivate them and to accomplish their mission. Unlike the other squad leaders, I read manuals hundreds of times to make my squad understand easily and to prevent sudden accidents. Furthermore, I wrote motivational quotes or explanations from the book to use when I gave a speech. I had to acquire knowledge from the book, mastered it by writing, and made it as mine as I can think even in extreme circumstances. When my division got an exercise called “Key Resolve” and “Ssangyong Training” which is annual training with the US Marine Corps, company called people who participate and I was always included. Due to a lot of reading and writing, I was able to build a knowledge and information to lead my company participants.

Reading and writing are always challenging for me. I am not a literary person and I am not good at language. But, I wanted to overcome my shortcomings. It was not easy for me when I was 18, came to America alone, and had to be self-reliant. Without knowing English, I did everything I could to survive. I thought I would learn English naturally. Because of my lack of language skills, I was subjected to harassment and racial discrimination. After this situation happened, I realized my serious problems. So, I decided to go to college. And started to read and write. I desperately studied to get into college, but the reality was not easy. I took two grammar books to my friend and wrote down all contents more than 15 pages a day. I thought that writing was the only way to express myself. Sometimes, I repeatedly wrote and memorized my favorite phrases in music. After that, I was able to get a proper English score and come to college.

In conclusion, reading and writing are inextricably linked to human experience. Reading and writing affect human lives. Reading and writing may be turned into our life changes. We are also relevant and influential in everything one does. Therefore, I think reading and writing have an incredible influence on our lives.




ENG 1121 – D423

Professor Dr. Leigh Gold


How would you describe your feelings about writing before this class and after as well? Has anything changed at all and why?

Before this class, I thought this class might be as same as ENG 1101 class, like reading article, writing essay, and taking a test. But, it wasn’t the same. New approaches were interesting. I didn’t have to take so much time on choosing essay topics, learn a new vocabulary by branching out words, especially, attracted more attentions on writing about a topic that I interested in.

What was the most challenging writing experience that you had in this class? Why?

Writing about Personality Disorder. The words were unfamiliar to me, then I lost concentration.

Please discuss one revision that you did this semester. Which assignment did you revise? What did you notice are the most important aspects of your writing that you had to revise?

When I revised first essay, I noticed that I need to work on grammar corrections.

What are your strengths a writer?

I have a lot of life experiences. That life experiences make my writing tightly.

What do you think that you need to focus most on in terms of improvement in your writing?

I absolutely need to focus on the word choices and grammar.

In what ways has your writing improved?

My writing is become more natural. I used to write like a robot. But, now it’s getting better.

Which assignments and readings that we did, did you find the most useful or helpful in terms of understanding writing? Please be specific.

Haiku was helpful. The words can be included many meanings by writer’s emotions, background, and period of time, etc.

What kinds of writing do you most enjoy now and why? You can think here about the genre you researched and imitated.

I take the genre project. I wrote about dietary supplement journals. This topic is related to real life and my most interests. When I was researched on this topic, I could newly learn from the articles and fix my wrong knowledge.

How did writing in your genre and re-purposing your genre help your writing?

Learned there were multiple ways of approaching on writing.

How does the way you read or even the kinds of reading you do impact or affect your writing?

When I read articles and newspaper, always think about what the writer’s purpose or what the main idea is. Because just reading does not last long in memory.

What are some suggestions that you might offer other people in terms of how they can approach writing?

Think it simple, write every thoughts then revise, and relate to your life experience.

Please describe your own theories and concepts about writing: please explain how you might want to teach someone else about writing, its significance, connections to reading, impact on our lives, etc.

Please include how writing is or can be important in your own life, what expectations you have about your own writing in the future, and, how your writing has changed over the past semester and year/s in college. Please also compare your writing now to the way you wrote in high school.


Jin-Woo Kim

ENGLISH 1121-D432

Professor Dr. Leigh Gold

Genre Research

Medical Journals of Supplements review

  • “Do you need supplements?” by Dr. Mark Hyman
  • “Potential for Harm in Dietary Supplements” by Jane E. Brody
  • “Should you Take Dietary Supplements?” by Harrison Wein, Ph.D.
  • “Bodybuilder Supplement Abuse a Growing Concern” by Dennis Thompson
  • “Multi-organ damage induce by anabolic steroid supplements” by Ali A Samaha


The Supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains a dietary ingredient intended to add further nutritional value to supplement the diet. This is intended to help ensure people are getting enough nutrients, while others are promoted as helping to reduce disease or to increase strength. Supplements are a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, etc. There are marketed in forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, gelcaps, powders, and liquids. More than half of adults in the United States use at least one type of dietary supplement. People have been taking dietary supplement for health benefits. It began to become more popularized in the 2000s, and awareness of supplements began to dramatically increase. From the following reviews, shows us why we need to take the right amount of supplements.


  • “Do you need supplements?” by Dr. Mark Hyman

“Even with a perfect diet, make it impossible for us to get the vitamins and minerals we need solely from the foods we eat.”(


Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, empower people communities to heal their bodies and minds, and improve our social and economic resilience, quotes “Even with a perfect diet, make it impossible for us to get the vitamins and minerals we need solely from the foods we eat”. Since nutrients that people can absorb from food are limited, it is hard to continue to eat enough amount of food for nutrients. In addition, the animals and vegetables we eat have fewer nutrients because of – depleted soils, industrial farming, and hybridization techniques. Processed factory-made food have no nutrients. Especially, the lack of nutrients is fatal to women. For instance, women need iron during pregnancy, and breastfed infants need vitamin D. Folic acid—400 micrograms daily, whether from supplements or fortified food—is important for all women of childbearing age. Except vitamin D, includes omega-3 fats, folate, zinc, magnesium, and iron. Some people wonder why we should be taken this dietary supplement. However, think about processed factory-made foods have no nutrients and obesity due to nutritional imbalance. These nutritional imbalances cause many diseases over time.

  • “Potential for Harm in Dietary Supplements” by Jane E. Brody

A form of substance abuse rampant in this country is rarely discussed publicly or privately. It involves abusing legally sold dietary supplements — vitamins, minerals, herbals and homeopathic remedies — all of which can be sold over the counter without prior approval for safety and effectiveness. (


Getting too much of certain vitamins or minerals can cause uncomfortable side effects, like vomiting or diarrhea, and more serious health problems, like liver damage. No one knows how many such adverse effects befall supplement users, because there has been no reliable reporting system. A new federal law requires supplement manufacturers to report serious adverse effects to the Food and Drug Administration, but it depends on consumers to call in reactions. Experts say most consumers are unlikely to relate health problems to a supplement they assume to be safe, and even if they do, they may be reluctant to report an adverse effect from a self-medicated substance. Michael Alexander, a regular vitamin supplement consumer in San Francisco, wrote to Kaiser Permanente that a vitamin supplement he had bought from the Kaiser pharmacy caused years of leg cramps, eventually diagnosed by a neurologist as vitamin B6-induced neuropathy. The supplement had 100 milligrams of B6, or 50 times the recommended daily amount. The ill effect developed even though Mr. Alexander cut each tablet in four parts and took “only” 25 milligrams daily. Most people who suffer unexpected side effects, illnesses, or drug interactions from dietary supplements don’t call a poison control center or the supplement manufacturer. This means that the numbers we have are likely very low estimates of actual events. Used properly, certain dietary supplements may help reduce the risk of some diseases, reduce discomfort caused by certain drugs or conditions, or simply make you feel better.


  • “Should you Take Dietary Supplements?” by Harrison Wein, Ph.D.

You should discuss with your doctor what supplements you’re taking so your care can be integrated and managed. Dietary supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as foods, not as drugs. The label may claim certain health benefits. But unlike medicines, supplements can’t claim to cure, treat or prevent a disease. (


Each person has a different amount of supplements to be recommended, and different abilities to absorb. Be sure to follow the dosage recommendations printed on the label, or suggested by your doctor, when taking supplements. Be particularly careful when it comes to the following common supplements: Iron, Vitamins A, D and E. Iron is an essential mineral for the human body whose main function iron is to carry oxygen to tissues. Iron is also important for maintaining muscles and brain function, as well the immune system. However, if you take in more iron than you need, this can build up to toxic levels in the heart and liver. Iron overload can cause symptoms from fatigue and joint pain to sexual impotence and depression. Extremely excessive doses can damage your organs or lead to coma and death. Public health officials recommend that adult men and postmenopausal women consult a doctor before using iron supplements, as it is rare for people in these categories to be iron deficient. The upper level intake is 40-45 mg, depending on age. Vitamins A, D and E are fat-soluble vitamins, which means your body will store surplus in your liver and fat tissue. While many vitamins are water-soluble and can pass through your body with relatively mild side effects, fat-soluble vitamins can build up to toxic levels over time. We should remember supplements provide additional nutrients to those getting from our meals throughout the day. There’s no real health advantage to getting more of a particular vitamin or mineral than you need. Therefore, before you taking supplements, read carefully the directions on the label, or talk with your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take and potential interactions.


  • “Bodybuilder Supplement Abuse a Growing Concern” by Dennis Thompson

Quite a few men are indeed using these supplements in a way that can adversely affect their physical health.



I use supplements in my practice as a cornerstone of healing and repair. I’m interested in fitness, workout 5 days a week, and taking 7 different kinds of supplements, such as, multi-Vitamins, Omega-3 fat, Magnesium, Milk Thistle, etc. based on doctor’s recommendations, because I have a higher blood pressure, fatty liver, and diabetes since I was 18-years-old. Doctor told me to taking supplements with proper exercise. If I didn’t, many complications could take my life away. Omega-3 fat was really helped on losing weight, kept away from the unsaturated fat. Magnesium increased my vein muscles and dropped my pressure. In addition, I have tried Tourine, L-carnitine, and L-arginine for body strength, but I stopped because of frequent fatigue and skin troubles. It means that I took wrong supplements and overdose. So, I kept trying several supplements to balance nutrients, better performance, and losing weight. If I had not noticed body changes early, supplements would have adversely affected my health.


  • “Multi-organ damage induce by anabolic steroid supplements” by Ali A Samaha

Anabolic supplements may lead to abnormal functioning of many organs, which could be fatal in some instances. (


Steroids use to treat some hormone problems in men, delayed puberty, and muscle loss from diseases. In otherwise, these can be used as performance-enhancing drugs that increase muscle mass and decrease fat, as well as causing many undesirable effects. Athletes, weightlifters and bodybuilders take them regularly to improve their physical performance and build up their bodies. However, side effects may include sexual and reproductive disorders, fluid retention, and severe acne. Especially, multi-organ (Liver, Heart, and Kidneys) damage induce by long-term use. Due to the sustained stimulus, all organs work excessively. For instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is an Austrian-American actor and formal professional bodybuilder, continued to use steroids while he was a body builder. He has a long history of taking excessive doses of 1960s preferred anabolic steroid Dianabol thus he has the effects of kidney, heart, liver damage that most get from taking the stuff. Finally, he lost all his muscles, got sagging flesh, and had several heart surgeries. Who take this drugs to build muscle, but who could wind up with significantly damaged hearts and livers at the end.

Supplements are not an actual medicine that treat diseases. It is not a drug that causes illness. There is no need to consume hundreds of supplements. Even if you take one, many decisions are needed. If you do not want to find information of supplements, check your doctor’s recommendations or read product label at least. Wrong supplementation can lead to addiction and illness. Using the right amount of supplements make us keep away from diseases.


Genre Step 5

Medical Journals of Supplements review


Why or how is this genre important in our society or in our lives?

-People have been taking supplements for health benefits. Therefore, this genre is important to avoid side effects caused by substance abuse and lack of understanding of the supplements.

Who are some of the most well known people to have written or produced this genre?

-People who are working as fitness trainers, medicine doctors, and biomedical scientists, etc.

What discourse community is usually connected to this genre?

-Could be a group of people who are interested in weight management, strength, workout performance, health care, and immune system, etc.

What is the history of this genre?

-The supplements define it as a product intended for ingestion that contains a ‘dietary ingredient’ intended to add further nutritional value to supplement the diet. The supplements is intended to help ensure people are getting enough nutrients, while others are promoted as helping to reduce disease. It began to become popularized in the 2000s, and awareness of supplements began to increase.

Is there a particular audience to whom this genre is typically directed?

-The audience who misuse supplements, or who lack understanding of supplements.  

What are the rules or forms of the genre?

-The forms of the research and thesis

Are there any people who are most important to have produced in this genre and why are they so significant?

-It is important to people who are overdosing supplement and worry about their health.

How have others responded to the genre OR to some of your example texts?

-It would be difficult and not easy to understand.

What is the main message of these samples/ examples?

It includes massages how to use correct supplements and side effects of abuse.

Do they all have the same kind of message?

-Yes, they give us all knowledges and side-effect of abusing supplements in different ways.

Are there particular constraints that are associated with these examples?

– People absorb different amounts of supplements, so they recommend dosing case by case.  

Who is the audience to whom these examples are directed?

-The audience who overdose supplements or take the wrong supplements with the wrong knowledge.

Are there any significant differences between these examples and if so, why?

-They have different logics and research. Therefore, physician or researcher’s recommended usage are different.

Is there a style, form, or format that all of the examples share in common?

-Most of these articles form of the research, journal, and academic writing.

Is there particular language that is common to all of the examples that you found?

-nutrients, vitamin, risk, self-prescribed, health care, symptom, product, abuse, herbal, Poison Center, supplements, adolesents

Who is the author or producer of this sample of your genre?

-Jane E. Brody, medical journalist, Harrison Wein, Ph.D. , Dennis Thompson, Ali A Samaha, Dr. Hyman, empower people, organizations, and communities to heal their bodies and minds, and improve our social and economic resilience.

What is the message or goal of the text/example?

-Use the supplements properly and deal with side effets.

Is there an audience to whom the work is directed?

-People who are currently taking supplements.

What kinds of constraints are involved?

-This text is for a person who misuse supplements.

How is this text important to you, society, other discourse communities?

-This text is important to all of us. I’m interested in fitness, and I’m also taking 7 different kinds of supplement based on doctor’s recommendations. I used to read a lot of articles for better ways to taking supplements. I’m not fully knowledgeable on this but people should need to know about dietary supplements at least a few, and stop abusing and consuming unnecessarily.

What terms or concepts are most important in this example text?

-Population of using supplement are gradually increasing every year. In 2017, more than 75% of U.S. adults they have taken. However, more than 23% people unknown with the supplements and indifferent to side effects.

What do you personally find most significant about the text?

-Visit their doctor regularly, and We should take supplements with a proper meal.


Multimodal Repurposing


There is a lot

to lose as much as I

have gained.


Additional Drawings

Genre project

Jin-Woo Kim

ENGLISH 1121-D432

Professor Dr. Leigh Gold


Genre Research

Medical Journals of Supplements review

  • “Do you need supplements?” by Dr. Mark Hyman
  • “Potential for Harm in Dietary Supplements” by Jane E. Brody
  • “Should you Take Dietary Supplements?” by Harrison Wein, Ph.D.
  • “Bodybuilder Supplement Abuse a Growing Concern” by Dennis Thompson
  • “Multi-organ damage induce by anabolic steroid supplements” by Ali A Samaha


The Supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains a dietary ingredient intended to add further nutritional value to supplement the diet. This is intended to help ensure people are getting enough nutrients, while others are promoted as helping to reduce disease or to increase strength. Supplements are a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, etc. There are marketed in forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, gelcaps, powders, and liquids. More than half of adults in the United States use at least one type of dietary supplement. People have been taking dietary supplement for health benefits. It began to become more popularized in the 2000s, and awareness of supplements began to dramatically increase. From the following reviews, shows us why we need to take the right amount of supplements.


  • “Do you need supplements?” by Dr. Mark Hyman

“Even with a perfect diet, make it impossible for us to get the vitamins and minerals we need solely from the foods we eat.”(


Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, empower people communities to heal their bodies and minds, and improve our social and economic resilience, quotes “Even with a perfect diet, make it impossible for us to get the vitamins and minerals we need solely from the foods we eat”. Since nutrients that people can absorb from food are limited, it is hard to continue to eat enough amount of food for nutrients. In addition, the animals and vegetables we eat have fewer nutrients because of – depleted soils, industrial farming, and hybridization techniques. Processed factory-made food have no nutrients. Especially, the lack of nutrients is fatal to women. For instance, women need iron during pregnancy, and breastfed infants need vitamin D. Folic acid—400 micrograms daily, whether from supplements or fortified food—is important for all women of childbearing age. Except vitamin D, includes omega-3 fats, folate, zinc, magnesium, and iron. Some people wonder why we should be taken this dietary supplement. However, think about processed factory-made foods have no nutrients and obesity due to nutritional imbalance. These nutritional imbalances cause many diseases over time.

  • “Potential for Harm in Dietary Supplements” by Jane E. Brody

A form of substance abuse rampant in this country is rarely discussed publicly or privately. It involves abusing legally sold dietary supplements — vitamins, minerals, herbals and homeopathic remedies — all of which can be sold over the counter without prior approval for safety and effectiveness. (


Getting too much of certain vitamins or minerals can cause uncomfortable side effects, like vomiting or diarrhea, and more serious health problems, like liver damage. No one knows how many such adverse effects befall supplement users, because there has been no reliable reporting system. A new federal law requires supplement manufacturers to report serious adverse effects to the Food and Drug Administration, but it depends on consumers to call in reactions. Experts say most consumers are unlikely to relate health problems to a supplement they assume to be safe, and even if they do, they may be reluctant to report an adverse effect from a self-medicated substance. Michael Alexander, a regular vitamin supplement consumer in San Francisco, wrote to Kaiser Permanente that a vitamin supplement he had bought from the Kaiser pharmacy caused years of leg cramps, eventually diagnosed by a neurologist as vitamin B6-induced neuropathy. The supplement had 100 milligrams of B6, or 50 times the recommended daily amount. The ill effect developed even though Mr. Alexander cut each tablet in four parts and took “only” 25 milligrams daily. Most people who suffer unexpected side effects, illnesses, or drug interactions from dietary supplements don’t call a poison control center or the supplement manufacturer. This means that the numbers we have are likely very low estimates of actual events. Used properly, certain dietary supplements may help reduce the risk of some diseases, reduce discomfort caused by certain drugs or conditions, or simply make you feel better.


  • “Should you Take Dietary Supplements?” by Harrison Wein, Ph.D.

You should discuss with your doctor what supplements you’re taking so your care can be integrated and managed. Dietary supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as foods, not as drugs. The label may claim certain health benefits. But unlike medicines, supplements can’t claim to cure, treat or prevent a disease. (


Each person has a different amount of supplements to be recommended, and different abilities to absorb. Be sure to follow the dosage recommendations printed on the label, or suggested by your doctor, when taking supplements. Be particularly careful when it comes to the following common supplements: Iron, Vitamins A, D and E. Iron is an essential mineral for the human body whose main function iron is to carry oxygen to tissues. Iron is also important for maintaining muscles and brain function, as well the immune system. However, if you take in more iron than you need, this can build up to toxic levels in the heart and liver. Iron overload can cause symptoms from fatigue and joint pain to sexual impotence and depression. Extremely excessive doses can damage your organs or lead to coma and death. Public health officials recommend that adult men and postmenopausal women consult a doctor before using iron supplements, as it is rare for people in these categories to be iron deficient. The upper level intake is 40-45 mg, depending on age. Vitamins A, D and E are fat-soluble vitamins, which means your body will store surplus in your liver and fat tissue. While many vitamins are water-soluble and can pass through your body with relatively mild side effects, fat-soluble vitamins can build up to toxic levels over time. We should remember supplements provide additional nutrients to those getting from our meals throughout the day. There’s no real health advantage to getting more of a particular vitamin or mineral than you need. Therefore, before you taking supplements, read carefully the directions on the label, or talk with your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take and potential interactions.


  • “Bodybuilder Supplement Abuse a Growing Concern” by Dennis Thompson

Quite a few men are indeed using these supplements in a way that can adversely affect their physical health.



I use supplements in my practice as a cornerstone of healing and repair. I’m interested in fitness, workout 5 days a week, and taking 7 different kinds of supplements, such as, multi-Vitamins, Omega-3 fat, Magnesium, Milk Thistle, etc. based on doctor’s recommendations, because I have a higher blood pressure, fatty liver, and diabetes since I was 18-years-old. Doctor told me to taking supplements with proper exercise. If I didn’t, many complications could take my life away. Omega-3 fat was really helped on losing weight, kept away from the unsaturated fat. Magnesium increased my vein muscles and dropped my pressure. In addition, I have tried Tourine, L-carnitine, and L-arginine for body strength, but I stopped because of frequent fatigue and skin troubles. It means that I took wrong supplements and overdose. So, I kept trying several supplements to balance nutrients, better performance, and losing weight. If I had not noticed body changes early, supplements would have adversely affected my health.


  • “Multi-organ damage induce by anabolic steroid supplements” by Ali A Samaha

Anabolic supplements may lead to abnormal functioning of many organs, which could be fatal in some instances. (


Steroids use to treat some hormone problems in men, delayed puberty, and muscle loss from diseases. In otherwise, these can be used as performance-enhancing drugs that increase muscle mass and decrease fat, as well as causing many undesirable effects. Athletes, weightlifters and bodybuilders take them regularly to improve their physical performance and build up their bodies. However, side effects may include sexual and reproductive disorders, fluid retention, and severe acne. Especially, multi-organ (Liver, Heart, and Kidneys) damage induce by long-term use. Due to the sustained stimulus, all organs work excessively. For instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is an Austrian-American actor and formal professional bodybuilder, continued to use steroids while he was a body builder. He has a long history of taking excessive doses of 1960s preferred anabolic steroid Dianabol thus he has the effects of kidney, heart, liver damage that most get from taking the stuff. Finally, he lost all his muscles, got sagging flesh, and had several heart surgeries. Who take this drugs to build muscle, but who could wind up with significantly damaged hearts and livers at the end.

Supplements are not an actual medicine that treat diseases. It is not a drug that causes illness. There is no need to consume hundreds of supplements. Even if you take one, many decisions are needed. If you do not want to find information of supplements, check your doctor’s recommendations or read product label at least. Wrong supplementation can lead to addiction and illness. Using the right amount of supplements make us keep away from diseas

genre project

Thomson Li

Professor Dr. Leigh Gold

ENG 1121 D432

                                                            Genre Assignment


In Japanese mythology there culture was meaningful, I found this genre interesting. There are many Japanese myth that was factiting, when reading some of these myths they sounded like old fable. The Japanese always try to incorporate something in existence and time of creation. Which means beginning of time were ancient peoples beliefs on a certain thing or certain creature with power. For generations a person name Nihon Shoki stated “that the Kamiyonanayo group was the first to appear after the creation of the universe, as opposed to the Kamiyonanayo appearing after the formation of heaven and earth”. It was said that the Japanese people believes in the higher up (deities). They worship these myth and fables and legends because of the proud it gives out. Given that I believe that ancient Japanese myth are necessary for society because of how relatable it is for the people to come together. How even deities got problems like a normal person.

What I found interesting about Japanese mythology was how there version of gods are deities and warriors. The samples that I have read, they all seem like fables to me because they are short stories. I found these five myth on wikipedia “Izanagi in the underworld”, “Sun, moon and storms”, “Amaterasu and Susanoo”, “Susanoo and Orochi”, “ Prince Ōkuninushi”. I read many other too, but these seem more connected with one another. What these five myth have in common was that how their story went about, all five all lead back to the origin of deities. I feel like if the people in our society knew of the myth that Japanese had, they would be interested in other cultures and their way of thinking and how their culture came to be. How their Japanese people in the past created this myth. The history about the myths are how one deities gave birth to many other. In the “Sun, moon and storms” the deities was given birth from Izanagi. It was said that each time he undress another deity was formed “As he undressed and removed the adornments of his body, each item that he dropped to the ground formed a deity”. This gave birth to “Amaterasu (incarnation of the sun) from his left eye, Tsukuyomi (incarnation of the moon) from his right eye, and Susanoo (incarnation of storms) from his nose”. The moral of this story was how these deity came to be, and reading about the others it show how these individual deity and what they had to protect, they were given a role to what needing protecting.

The Japanese myth  had many view to their main points. They all share a common message of what they had to protect and how deity came to be from their origin. The five story I chose are closely similar due to their structure. You can say that these deities were once a family at one point and separated because of different belief, and one of the story is about a descendant of susanoo, the story of “Prince Ōkuninushi”. She was a foreshadowing a figure, she foresee a future that she didn’t want to happen and she went to see the descendant susanoo in the underworld where he was banished. so what I found interesting in this was how it talks about how when she needed help she would go seek it. This bring you back to a real life scenario. Where a person can relate to the story. The form of this genre is basically a short story, easy to understand and help give us a small picture of imagination. Although we don’t know who started the myth but we know they wanted people to understand the story and hopefully relate to it and respect its legend. There are other who knows of these myths in Japan, the people who believe so much in these myth they named their shrine after these tails. All five of these myths are almost similar like I said in the beginning it’s like one origin starts

These myth gives off vivid examples of what they are giving off to the people that wants to believe in their myths. I believe that the goals of these myth was for the Japanese to come together, and relate. Although they are not exactly the same they all have their own story, how in “Izanagi in the underworld” was about how “Izanagi lamented the death of Izanami and undertook a journey to Yomi (the shadowy land of the dead)”. While in the others like “Sun, moon and storms” was about how Izanagi dropped items, and how the items becoming deities. That the beginning of the origin story for the deities. In “Amaterasu and Susanoo” it was about how siblings have different ideal of what good and evil, and being deity Susanoo was banish from the heaven, and “Susanoo and Orochi” was about an old tail of susanoo being a deity he was banaish, while being banish he met a old couple. They sought his help protecting their only daughter from the evil dragon orochi “The old couple explain that they originally had eight daughters who were devoured, one after the other, by the dragon, Yamata no Orochi”. So he offer to help if he can have a “ hand in marriage” with the author and of course the couple agree. As a parent all you want is to protect the most precious thing their child. Finally the story of “ Prince Ōkuninushi” he was a descendant of Susanoo. The main plot of this story was that the prince encounter a rabbit that was hurt, and cured it “the cured rabbit made a divined prediction that Ōnamuji”. This goes to show how different these myth are but it also goes to show how similar they are. By showing deities having the same problems as a regular person so that many can relate to the myth.

As stated I believe that Japanese mythology is a meaningful genre. That I think people should know about. I feel like many can relate to these myth. Even though I find these myth like a short story, it is so much more. It relatable to many other, you can understand the culture so much with these myth and many others. How do origin of these came from, where they come from, and how their purpose of life. What they need to protect, what they stood for. A myth that a parent can tell to their kids so they would pass it on to the next generation. Having the story pass down to one generation to the next with proud from these story that they can one day relate to it.

Works Cited


Japanese mythology. (2019, April 03). Retrieved from

Japanese Creational Myths. (n.d.). Retrieved from

To the Underworld (Yomi-no-kuni) and Back. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Genre Project

Sanjita Laky
English 1121
    Genre Research paper

Part 1
“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson
“The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury
“Sultana’s Dream” by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
“The Machine Stops” by E.M. Forster
“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Part 2:

Dystopian science fiction short stories are one of the important genres in our society. The younger kids and teens are most interested in this genre. In the 20th century, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and Yevgeny Zamyatin contributed the first dystopian science fiction. This genre helps to imagine the world differently than it is now. In science fiction, short stories assist us to visualize things that we can’t find in our society. According to Science fiction and Imagination “ The science Fiction label denotes books with things in them we can’t yet do or begin to do, talking beings we can never meet, place we can’t go” (Ketterer 246). Science fiction gives the opportunity for people to travel to place a where it’s not possible to go or exist. The setting of stories becomes different from our society because of new technologies and social systems. Many of the procedure writes dystopian science fiction short stories for the audience to be aware of futures. As the article Teaching Dystopian Literature to a Consumer Class states “ I teach dystopian literature, which exaggerates our modern context so that we can challenge it. Providing for its readers a glimpse into a horrifying but fully possible future,…”(Wilkinson 22). It tells us that some of the dystopian stories can be scary but there is a possibility that our society will turn into that in the future.
In order to write dystopian fiction stories, it is significant to look at other examples first. Then choose a topic, setting, characters and a message you want to share to the audiences. Many of our teachers/professors want us to read dystopian science fiction stories because of our obsession with technology and social media.
Part 3
There are many dystopian short stories. But they each have different meaning or messages for society. The first story is “The Lottery” and the message that the author trying to share was that tradition sometimes not unnecessary. The author use symbolism in this writing. The second story was “The Veldt” and messages were depending on technology can negatively affect people lives. The author used a lot of imagery to describe the setting. The third story is “Sultana’s dream” and it was about the female voice being heard. The fourth story is “The Machine Stops” and it was about how technology can take over the world and make people useless. Lastly, the “Harrison Bergeron” was about the dangers of having total equality. All the stories messages were different from each other but they all had a negative impact on the society because of the event or things they were following. For the stories, the constraint of words in the text was different from each theme. Some of them were longer and other was shorter. Somethings that was common in the text was the use of figurative language. They all decide to use figurative language to describe the setting and the problems. Most importantly all the stories were unique from our society.
Part 4
“Harrison Bergeron” is one of the dystopian science fiction short stories. It was written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr in 1961. Kurt Vonnegut wants to share the dangers of total equality. The story was taken place in 2081, where everyone was equal in every way. It was possible because of the new law that they have created. As the article states “George, while his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times. It was tuned to a government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains” ( Bergeron 1). The law was to provide smarter people with mental handicap radio that didn’t make the person deeper and stronger had to carry handicap bag that the pound was based on how strong the person was. Also, pretty people had to wear masks. This how the government tried to make everyone equal. It was painful for the people who had to wear these all the time. However, nobody speaks up for it because if they didn’t listen, they will be punished. According to the article “Two years in prison and two thousand dollars fine for every ball I took out,” said George” ( Bergeron 3). People were afraid to avoid the law because of the consequences. Harrison Bergeron was the one who didn’t want to follow the law and he got punished for it. This stories tried to prove that it is not possible to make everything equal.
This story was written for the audience who is not thankful for that they have given from government or countries. The text is important for society because it might help people to realize that there will be a negative effect of total equality. In the text, the author involved dialogue as a constraint in this writing. Somethings I found most significant about this text was the message that in our society everyone wants to have everything’s equal. But people forget about equity that is more important for society.
This story was written for the audience who is not thankful for that they have given from government or countries. The text is important for society because it might help people to realize that there will be a negative effect of total equality. In the text, the author involved dialogue as a constraint in this writing. Somethings I found most significant about this text was the message that in our society everyone wants to have everything’s equal. But people forget about equity that is more important for society.

Part 5
Year 3045-
This World With Technology
I woke up to the bright blue light radiating from the curtains. It’s going to be a long day.
There’s no such thing as bright yellow sunshine. Not in the 30th century. Our world is now a
ball of blue light. The technological light. Just like the advertisements say: Wake up to our technological light every day and start your automation day.

“Alexa, what time is it?” I’m still laying in my bed, looking at the ceiling. “The time is 6:36
I sigh. What if I don’t go to work today? I haven’t used up my sick days yet, I can-. A knock shakes me from my thoughts. I get up and walk to the sliding door. I see Johnson and
Alexander smiling wide. “It’s too early for you guys to fool around in my living space” I press the buttons on my tablet that’s on the wall to fix up my outfit for the day and let the boys in.

Alexander jumps on to my bed and lays down. “Are you going to work?” He asks while staring at me. I nod. I walk into my closet and see the outfit set up. Not…bad. I put the clothes on and
I walk into the bathroom. The robotic hands brush my teeth and hair. They wash and moisturize my face. Patting my face, I walk back into the room. Looking at Johnson and
Alexander talk. They notice me. “Let’s go,” Johnson says.

I walk into my workspace. The atmosphere feels…sticky like very jolty. I breathe in the kinetic air. Jolty.

A few hours pass by. Then suddenly, somebody screamed bloody murder. I rush over to where I heard the scream. Janice was on the floor. “Oh my gosh! What happened?” I bring my hand to my mouth. “We- I-, she just screamed and now-” Thomas started crying. I kneel down and tried to find a pulse. She’s dead.

I get up and walk to her desk. Electrocuted. “What do we do?” I look at Thomas. “Let me call

the Vocational Ambulance.” I am more than confused. “Wait, why the technician, we need a
human ambulance!” Everyone looks at me. “She’s dead, Dakota. It’s fine.” I looked at everyone in disgust. “This is not right! We’re trying to save technology before a human being!”
I walk out of the building.

Anger. Repulse was in me. I called the ambulance. “Oh, um… I need an ambulance to All Day
Technology Headquarters-. What do you mean you’re out of? I need an ambulance! Please!”
They hanged up. Our world cares about technology more than humans.

I’m at home. I scroll through Instagram and see it. An ad. I sit up.
The Anti-Techs
I click on the link in the caption. It takes me to this whole website. I read it and see that the foundation is doing a protest on Saturday.

The day is Saturday. I’m outside of the Government Technological Building. The whole group is protesting. Cops are lined up and guns are being fired.
“This world is full of corruption from our so-called “life-saving” technology. Have you seen what our lives have turned into” Protesting with my blood, sweat, and tears?
The guns fired again. When will they learn? Technology is taking over.

Work Cited
Bradbury, Ray. “The Veldt”.

Forster, E. M. “The Machine Stops”.

Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat. “Sultana’s Dream.” Sultana’s Dream.,

Jackson, Shirley. “The Lottery”. 2010,

Ketterer, David, et al. “Science Fiction and Imagination.” PMLA, vol. 120, no. 1, 2005, pp. 246–249. JSTOR,

Kingsbury, Margaret. “25 Must-Read Dystopian Short Stories.” BOOK RIOT, 17 Oct. 2018,

Klus, Dr Helen. “Imagining the Future: Why Society Needs Science Fiction.” The Star Garden, 6 Aug. 2017,

Wilkinson, Rachel. “Teaching Dystopian Literature to a Consumer Class.” The English Journal, vol. 99, no. 3, 2010, pp. 22–26. JSTOR,

Vonnegut, Kurt. “HARRISON BERGERON.” Full Text of “Harrison Bergeron (& Activity)”,

Genre Project


Sebastian Vela

Professor Gold

Eng. 1121


Short stories are important to our society because they capture people’s attention very quickly and pull the reader close and from the short stories, I’ve read they also touch on topics that are very relatable for a lot of people. Short stories are meant for people that really pay attention to what’s going on because there’s so much going on in the story and its all condensed so tightly that its very easy to miss important details. Short stories are perfect for people who aren’t dedicated to reading an entire novel but do want that kind of feeling when they read, its important because they keep people connected to literature while not having to commit a lot of time to a novel. Some of the most well-known short story authors are John Cheever, Isaac Babel and Anton Chekov. There’s a lot of history behind short stories they derive from folk tales, fables, legend and other short forms of writing. The earliest forms of short stories come from the late 1700’s coming from England they were written under another title though called gothic tales. There are many phenomenal authors who have written short stories like Stephen King and Charles Dickens, short stories are something really anyone can write it’s not anyone’s main genre they’re usually just side projects.

From the sample short stories, I’ve read I couldn’t find any similarities in the messages they had, they were all so different. They were about love, tragedy, urban fantasy, horror and mystery. “Let it Rain” by Rene Read was a short story about a woman struggling to find happiness and ultimately finds it while working as a waitress in a small-town bar. “The Red Ribbon” by Magela Baudoin is a tragedy about a Natalia the older sister of a cancer patient who was just admitted to a hospice and how she is struggling to accept the inevitable loss of her sister. The theme behind these two stories are similar but the moods are completely different. The audience of these two pieces are probably people who are trying to find hope while going through a dark time in their life.

The two stories are different in how they are presented to the reader, “Let it Rain” is presented as kind of a uplifting story that end up with a happy ending while “The Red Ribbon” is presented as a very dark story that takes you through a journey of someone going through one of the toughest obstacles imaginable. These short stories don’t have a format. The language in the two stories especially the one by Magela Baudoin is very raw and it almost feels like you can see how in real time how Natalia is feeling.  I think the most significant thing about this short story is the fact that it does a good job tapping into the readers emotions even if they haven’t gone through what Natalia is going through.











Read, Rene. “Let It Rain.” Read Love Short Stories Online Free, 11 Oct. 2015,

“Short Story.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 May 2019,

Baudoin, Magela. “The Red Ribbon.”Short Story Online, 12 Aug 2012,


Muhammad Abdullah- Genre Essay

Muhammad Abdullah

English 1121-D432

Dr. Leigh Gold

Genre- Phone Reviews

Essay #2

Everyone has a phone nowadays, whether it be an Apple iPhone, a Samsung, or even a Nokia. It is approximated that 52.7 percent of the world population owns a phone that can access the internet. Taking that into account, phone reviews are now more important than ever. Most people usually go ahead and purchase the newest phones only because they are “new” and have the “latest technology”. Well, that isn’t the case all the time. This is where Phone Reviews come in handy. Phone Reviews are important because they inform a person about a phone they are looking to buy. Phone Reviews go over certain aspects of a Phone such as battery life, appearance, hardware, software speeds, camera, durability, price, etc. Phone Reviews have been coming out for quite a while and have gained popularity when the first smartphones started releasing. Anyone can make a phone review but it isn’t very likely that many people will see it. Popular sites that publish phone reviews include, CNET, Phone Arena, The Verge, Digital Trends, and Tech Radar. One of the most popular Phone Reviewers is Linus Sebastian better known as LinusTechTips. He was born in Canada and has around 8 million subscribers on Youtube and is known to be honest and show no bias in his reviews. To make his reviews accurate and top notch, he uses the phone for personal use for a few weeks to a month to give the best possible review.

Phone reviews are typically targeted at consumers who want to learn more about a phone before actually purchasing it. Like any other expensive item, it is definitely important to learn all about the item itself before investing money. Most phone reviews start off by introducing whichever phone they are reviewing. They go over pros and cons and usually give it a rating out of 10. Also, most phone reviews have a section under the actual review which allows the customers and readers to share the opinion on the phone before or after purchasing. This is important because it gives the perspective of different people, allowing you to make the best decision you possibly can. Another important aspect that most phone reviews incorporate is the concept of comparing the phone to a previous phone or another popular phone. For example, to review the camera quality of the phone, the reviewer will usually put a side by side photograph taken by both phones to clearly show the difference in camera quality. This is important because say you are making an upgrade from an old version of an iPhone to a new one. You can see the difference in the quality of the photo by observing a side by side comparison.

One phone review in particular that I read was the iPhone X review by Rado Slavov. This review is featured on Phone Arena, a popular phone review website. Slavov starts the review off by comparing the iPhone X to previous iPhones, establishing the fact that the iPhone X has a new and improved model. With all the new improvements, the price will be high. Slavov then addresses the controversy surrounding the phone. Apple chose to remove the home button on the iPhone X and make the phone fully touch screen. Slavov states, “With the X, Apple is taking a lot of risks and introducing a lot of firsts”. That is certain because it is definitely a huge risk to remove the iconic home button that has been present throughout the generations of iPhones. Moving on, Slavov proceeds to talk about the design, specs and the camera of the iPhone X. Personally, this review was important for me because it convinced me to not purchase the iPhone X. Although the camera and speed of the X is exceptional, I would prefer my iPhone with a home button. This review is significant because it does not show a bias. The phone is introduced as is and the reader is only told about the details of the phone. The author does not try to persuade the reader to purchase it or not. The decision belongs to the consumer.The language that the author uses is an important factor in publishing phone reviews. The most common language that is used in most phone reviews is a formal tone. The formality of the reviews establishes the authenticity and legitimacy of the authors work. If this language isn’t used, the reader is likely to disregard the review due to thinking that the author does not know what he is talking about.

In conclusion, Phone Reviews are important nowadays since Phones are such a big part of society. Phone Reviews allow the reader to learn all the information about a phone that the brand does not share with them. Of course, the brand will always tell you the good side of the phone and never share the bad side with you. Since most phones are such a heavy investment this day in age, it is important that we get that best for what we pay.

Works Cited

– Slavov, Rado. “Apple IPhone X Review.” Phone Arena, PhoneArena, 8 Nov. 2017,

– “Global Mobile Phone Internet User Penetration 2019 | Statistic.” Statista,

– “Linus Tech Tips (Linus Sebastian) Wife, Net Worth, Wiki, Height, Age.” Heightline, 8 May 2018,

– Stein, Scott. “IPhone XR Review: The Best IPhone Value in Years.” CNET, 10 Nov. 2018,

– Seifert, Dan. “Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus Review: the Anti-IPhone.” The Verge, The Verge, 1 Mar. 2019,

– “Google’s Pixel 3 Is a Hair Away from Pocket-Sized Perfection.” Digital Trends, 11 Mar. 2019,

– Lumb, David. “Nokia 9 PureView Review.” TechRadar, TechRadar The Source for Tech Buying Advice, 1 May 2019,

– “IPhone 8 – Technical Specifications.” Apple,

Step 5

Phone Review: Apple iPhone 8 Plus

I currently own an Apple iPhone 8 plus. It’s price begins at $699 for a 64gb model. The LED is 5-5 inches so it has a pretty large screen. The iphone 8 plus has a 12 megapixel camera and is also water resistant. The 12 megapixel camera can shoot very clear pictures and is also capable for live pictures, The phone also shoots 4k video making it a viable option to record high quality videos. The battery life on the iphone 8 plus is fairly decent. It can last you about 13 hours with internet use. Although this is an average battery life, the iphone 8 plus can charge up to 50% battery life in half an hour. This is impressive and very useful. The iPhone 8 plus has built in touch ID sensor that can recognize your fingerprint relatively quickly. One bad thing about the phone is that it does not have a conventional headphone jack. Only specific apple headphones can be connected used with the phone. Another con is that the whole phone is made of glass so it is really easy to crack the screen or camera. This can be solved with purchasing a durable phone case that can take impact. All in all, the Apple iPhone 8 Plus is a phone with different pros and cons. I presented them to you now it is your decision whether or not you would like to purchase it.

Reminders for Tuesday

Hello all,

On Tuesday, please bring your updated genre assignments–if yours was complete, I will simply bring all of the assignments with me–so, you won’t need to bring anything.

We will be finishing sharing with the class about our genre discoveries on Tuesday as well as working with our classmates on peer review.

Here are some short readings for Thursday’s class: