This lab dwells further into classes and how to use a different method when sharing information between those classes. Lab 2 required the use of objects to be able to use the method of another class. In this case, we perform the similar task where instead of creating an object, we inherit methods from another class. In order to do that, we use the keyword extends on a class where we want to inherit the methods. To use the methods from the inherited class, we use the keyword super. This gives access to the methods, and its variables. Other than that, the lab require more classes to take care of more tasks making the program look much cleaner. One of the issues I had with the lab was the logic behind retrieving information in the main method. It became difficult when I was trying to change the season or humidity title to random. However, I was able to fix the problem by just rearranging the if statements so that the program checks the condition prior to generating numbers. All lot of the conditions prior to this lab were generally the same, especially the try and catch statement and the while loop "wall" to block the user from entering invalid inputs. Code: Main Class: import java.util.InputMismatchException; //library for input mismatch import java.util.Scanner; //library for scanner import java.util.Random; //library for random number generator public class SensorStatsApp { public static void main(String[] args) { //main method int start = 1; //integer start = 1 Scanner choice = new Scanner(; Random randObject = new Random(); //object for random TemperatureSensor seasonObject = new TemperatureSensor();//object for class TemperatureSensor HumiditySensor humidityObject = new HumiditySensor();//object for class Humidity Sensor do{ //do-while loop int season = 0, season5 = 0, humidity = 0, humidity4 = 0, sim = 0, n = 1, temp = 0, hum = 0, first = 0, firsth = 0; int last = 0, lasth = 0, lowest = 999, lowesth = 999, highest = 0, highesth = 0, sum = 0, sumh = 0; float avg = 0, avgh = 0, x = 1, xhum = 1; //variables that reset values after loop String seasonchoice = null, humiditychoice = null; //strings System.out.println("\nWhich season do you want to simulate?"); //print statements System.out.println("(1) Winter\n(2) Spring\n(3) Summer\n(4) Fall\n(5) Random\n(6) Exit"); try{ //catches any input mismatch season = choice.nextInt(); while (season > 6 || season 5 || humidity <1){ //restricts inputs to only 1-5 System.out.println("Invalid choice! Please re-enter a valid choice!"); System.out.print("Choice: "); humidity = choice.nextInt(); //re-enter value } if (humidity == 4){ //if user chooses random, choose random humidity humidity = 1 + randObject.nextInt(2); //chooses from 1-3 humidity4 = 4; //Changes title print out to Random: } if (humidity == 5){ //exits program start = 0; System.out.println("Exiting Program!"); } else{ //number of generations System.out.println("How many simulations do you want to generate?"); sim = choice.nextInt(); while (sim 0){ //loop until number of simulations reaches zero switch(season){ //switch statement season case 1: //if season is 1 if (season5 == 5){ //Condition only for random seasonchoice = "Random: Winter\n"; } else{ seasonchoice = "Season: Winter\n"; } temp = seasonObject.getWinterTemp(); //uses method to grab random number if (n == 1) { //on the first iteration first = temp; //first equals temp } if (temp highest) { //if temp is greater than highest highest = temp; //highest equals temp } last = temp; //last equals temp sum = sum + temp; //sum equals to old sum plus the new temp avg = sum/x; //calculate current average x++; n++; //increment n by 1 sim--; break; case 2: if (season5 == 5){ seasonchoice = "Random: Spring\n"; } else{ seasonchoice = "Season: Spring\n"; } temp = seasonObject.getSpringTemp(); if (n == 1) { //on the first iteration first = temp; //first equals temp } if (temp highest) { //if temp is greater than highest highest = temp; //highest equals temp } last = temp; //last equals temp sum = sum + temp; //sum equals to old sum plus the new temp avg = sum/x; x++; n++; //increment n by 1 sim--; break; case 3: if (season5 == 5){ seasonchoice = "Random: Summer\n"; } else{ seasonchoice = "Season: Summer\n"; } temp = seasonObject.getSummerTemp(); if (n == 1) { //on the first iteration first = temp; //first equals temp } if (temp highest) { //if temp is greater than highest highest = temp; //highest equals temp } last = temp; //last equals temp sum = sum + temp; //sum equals to old sum plus the new temp avg = sum/x; x++; n++; //increment n by 1 sim--; break; case 4: if (season5 == 5){ seasonchoice = "Random: Fall\n"; } else{ seasonchoice = "Season: Fall\n"; } temp = seasonObject.getFallTemp(); if (n == 1) { //on the first iteration first = temp; //first equals temp } if (temp highest) { //if temp is greater than highest highest = temp; //highest equals temp } last = temp; //last equals temp sum = sum + temp; //sum equals to old sum plus the new temp avg = sum/x; x++; n++; //increment n by 1 sim--; break; } System.out.print("\n"+seasonchoice); //Resulting print statements System.out.println("First temperature generated: " + first); System.out.println("Last temperature generated: " + last); System.out.println("Lowest temperature generated: " + lowest); System.out.println("Highest temperature generated: " + highest); System.out.println("Total sum of temperatures generated: " + sum); System.out.println("Average for the season: " + avg); switch(humidity){ //switch statement humidity case 1: //case 1 if (humidity4 == 4){ //Condition only for random humiditychoice = "Random: Full"; } else{ humiditychoice = "Humidity Type: Full"; } hum = humidityObject.getHumidity(); if (n == 2) { //on the first iteration firsth = hum; //first equals temp } if (hum highesth) { //if temp is greater than highest highesth = hum; //highest equals temp } lasth = hum; //last equals temp sumh = sumh + hum; //sum equals to old sum plus the new temp avgh = sumh/xhum; //calculate average xhum++; break; case 2: if (humidity4 == 4){ humiditychoice = "Random: Low"; } else{ humiditychoice = "Humidity Type: Low"; } hum = humidityObject.getLowHumidity(); if (n == 2) { //on the first iteration firsth = hum; //first equals temp } if (hum highesth) { //if temp is greater than highest highesth = hum; //highest equals temp } lasth = hum; //last equals temp sumh = sumh + hum; //sum equals to old sum plus the new temp avgh = sumh/xhum; xhum++; break; case 3: if (humidity4 == 4){ humiditychoice = "Random: High"; } else{ humiditychoice = "Humidity Type: High"; } hum = humidityObject.getHighHumidity(); if (n == 2) { //on the first iteration firsth = hum; //first equals temp } if (hum highesth) { //if temp is greater than highest highesth = hum; //highest equals temp } lasth = hum; //last equals temp sumh = sumh + hum; //sum equals to old sum plus the new temp avgh = sumh/xhum; xhum++; break; } System.out.println("\n" + humiditychoice); //resulting print statement System.out.println("First humidity reading generated: " + firsth); System.out.println("Last humidity reading generated: " + lasth); System.out.println("Lowest humidity reading generated: " + lowesth); System.out.println("Highest humidity reading generated: " + highesth); System.out.println("Total sum of all humidity readings generated: " + sumh); System.out.println("Average humidity reading " + avgh); } }while(start == 1); //do-while condition for ending program } } Sensor Class import java.util.Random; //library for random number generation public class Sensor { //class with overloading methods private int reading; //integer reading private int range; //integer range Random generate = new Random(); //object for random method public void setReading(){ //generate numbers from 0-100 (no parameters) reading = generate.nextInt(101); } public void setReading(int u){ //generate numbers from 0-u (one parameter) reading = generate.nextInt(u); } public void setReading(int l, int u){ //generate numbers from l to u (two parameters) range = u-l; //subtract u by l to determine number range reading = l + generate.nextInt(range); // } public int getReading(){ //return reading return reading; } } TemperatureSensor Class public class TemperatureSensor extends Sensor { //This subclass inherits class Sensor public int getWinterTemp(){ //obtains random temperatures from 20-40 int low = 20, high = 40; super.setReading(low,high); return super.getReading(); } public int getSpringTemp(){ //obtains random temperatures from 40-70 int low = 40, high = 70; super.setReading(low,high); return super.getReading(); } public int getSummerTemp(){ //obtains random temperatures from 70-90 int low = 70, high = 90; super.setReading(low,high); return super.getReading(); } public int getFallTemp(){ //obtains random temperatures from 40-60 int low = 40, high = 60; super.setReading(low,high); return super.getReading(); } } HumiditySensor Class: public class HumiditySensor extends Sensor { //This subclass inherits class Sensor public int getHumidity(){ //method of numbers ranging 0-100 super.setReading(); //generate random number return super.getReading(); //get return value } public int getLowHumidity(){ //method of numbers ranging 0-50 int low = 51; //integer low set to 51 super.setReading(low); //send low into method return super.getReading(); //get return value } public int getHighHumidity(){ //method of numbers ranging from 50-100 int low = 50, high = 100; //integer low = 50, integer high = 100 super.setReading(low, high); //send low and high into method return super.getReading(); //get return value } }
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