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Lab 6

This lab is the introduction to Android App Development. It uses Java
classes and implements them into a designed .xml file which allows the 
user to make buttons, scrolls, or even strings work. Android App 
Development relies on premade classes and methods to use to give things 
like buttons some type of functionality. Without the Java code, all 
that would happen is that the buttons would but just like images on an 
Android Phone screen. One of the exceptional features of the ISE is the 
graphical user interface used to design the way the application looks. 
Once the pieces are placed, it will program everything for you in the 
.xml file.
Furthermore, the objective of this Android App Development tutorial was 
to create a program that displays "Hello World". This is simply done by 
attaching the string "Hello World" to the text view. From there, it can 
be resized or reshaped based on the configuration needed. Like all 
buttons and TextViews, they can be resized to parent or wrap content. 
The ISE makes it a lot easier to develop an application.


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