ARCH1231 BTECH I, SP2020 D546

Professor Gernert

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Zoom Class Meeting Tuesday March 24


Here are the details for joining our class on ZOOM Tuesday at 8:30am.

Lynn Gernert is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Lynn Gernert’s Zoom Meeting ARCH 1231
Time: Mar 24, 2020 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 401 777 555
Password: 563254

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+19292056099,,401777555# US (New York)
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Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 401 777 555
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Module 1 Drawings, Sketches + Reading Notes


As we discussed at our Zoom class meeting: Here is the link to the Dropbox folder. Upload your Federal Hall drawings; the Diagram from the Field Trip; and your reading notes to the Dropbox Folder. Follow file naming requirements for the course. These are described on the earlier OpenLab post and in the course Syllabus.

Upload these files by Sunday, March 22, 2020. Thank you.

First Online Class Meeting Tomorrow – Thursday at 8:30am


We will meet ONLINE TOMORROW  at 8:30am on ZOOM. 

If you haven’t already, please load ZOOM to your computer (if you have video and speakers) or to your phone – please do so today. Computer works better but it needs video + speakers. You can use the phone app if you need to instead.

Login to ZOOM and create your account – it’s free – here:

You can also load the app to your iphone:

or android phone:

Here are the Details to Join the Meeting:

Topic: Lynn Gernert’s Zoom Meeting ARCH 1231

Time: Mar 19, 2020 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 691 666 832

Password: 015008

One tap mobile

,,691666832# US Toll

Dial by your location

         US Toll     

Meeting ID: 691 666 832

Find your local number:

Let me know if you are having trouble getting set up.

Prof. Gernert

Please email me today!


I hope you are well. As we move to remote classrooms, it is very important that you respond to this post/email and you stay in contact with City Tech and your courses. Please email me with this information:

  1. Do you have a computer with internet access at home, and a place to do your drawings? As of today, March 16, the 8th floor labs in Voorhees will be closed.
  2. Please check your City Tech email and our OpenLab site every day.
  3. I need to hear from each of you to set up our remote class. We will be using the Zoom conferencing platform, which is free, and can be used on a computer or phone. I will send you more info on Zoom soon.

But first: Email me with your computer access availability at home. Thank you.

Be well,

Prof. Gernert

Module 1 Drawings, Sketches and Reading Notes

Hi Everyone,

All of you should have received an invitation to Dropbox where you can upload your Module 1 Federal Hall drawings; and also your sketches and reading notes. Please check your City Tech email. I will re-send the link this week. This assignment is due in the Dropbox folder by Friday March 20, at 2pm. Please email me with any questions. Thank you. Prof. Gernert

Planning for the Rest of the Semester

Hi Everyone,

I imagine you have questions regarding how we will accomplish all our work for the rest of the semester. Please know that the faculty are working now to figure this out. To help us plan, please let me know you have read this post, and tell me what tools you have at home – to continue hand drawing – and whether you have a computer with internet access for using digital tools. Please email me as soon as possible to let me know.

Thank you. — Prof. Gernert

Federal Hall Site Visit


Tuesday, February 11 we will meet at Federal Hall in lower Manhattan at 8:30 AM. Meet on the front steps by the statue. If it’s raining meet at the top of the steps on the porch.

Do not come to school; go directly to the site.

Federal Hall is at 26 Wall Street, New York City. It is near the 4/5 trains and 2/3 trains. Other trains also stop near Federal Hall.

My number is 917-645-2482. Text if you are having trouble finding the class.

Bring your sketchbook, pencils +/or pens, and a camera.

Prof. Gernert

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