Gregor Erdman's ePortfolio

A collection of works // MTEC 3230 Spring 2021

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Project 1 – Ring Jumper w/ Timer

For my first project I chose to make a ring jumping game in a barren volcanic landscape and the edge of a forest. I added a nightscape skybox and a series of dust storm prefabs to simulate a thick, low, rolling fog. I wanted to create an overall haunting, eerie atmosphere for the environment. This is the same reason I covered the rings in a dark material that almost looks like tattered rubber. I wanted an overall desolate effect.

Desolate mountain landscape as rendered in Unity

In this game, the player must jump through 10 rings scattered across the terrain in order to complete the objective. If the player completes all 10 jumps before the timer runs out they receive a victory message. Otherwise they receive a message informing them they have run out of time. The game is timed to 1:30. If the space bar is held the jumps are long and low-gravity enabling the player to float for long distances. However if the space bar is no longer pressed the player stops very quickly and falls to the ground. This allows the player more control over their jumps.

I started by importing the Unity Standard Assets and bringing a FPS controller into my scene. I then adjusted the parameters for the jump to make them higher and less prone to gravity. I brought in the timer script and set up the game to count down from two minutes. I then created a torus object in Blender and imported it as a .fbx file. I attached a mesh collider to the torus and saved it as a prefab so I could duplicate it nine times across the terrain. I then imported the DestroyOnCollision script which I combined with the ObjectCollection script from William’s project to destroy and count the rings on contact with the collider. Finally, I tweaked the Player Collect script to suit the needs of my project and tied it all together.

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