A collection of works // MTEC 3230 Spring 2021

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In Oder Update #3

The core mechanic is now established. Location information has to be entered manually for each object in order to enable it to snap into place but I’m not sure of any way to avoid that. As it stands now, the player grabs an object, triggering a spot light and particle system. When the player brings the object to the area where the light is, the particle system shuts off. If the object is within the trigger zone and the grab is released the object will snap to the predetermined vector locking it into the correct place.

I combined my OnTriggerEnter script with my other script because it made more sense to consolidate all the code on one object rather than having one on the player object and one on the Grabbable object. Since the Grabbable object is what is being moved/tested for it made sense for all the scripts to be on it. Ideally this can be iterated over and over to form the basic mechanic of our game. All that remains to do now is decide on the locations of the objects so we can place our lights and particle systems and put that location data into the scripts for each object.

In Order Update #2

Here we see the basics of the core mechanic. Grabbing an object turns on a point light and a particle system which signal where the object is to be placed. When the object is brought to the empty box collider hovering over the particle system and light, the particle system is turned off. It will be a simple matter to get the collider to also turn off the light.

The next step is to trying and create a system that snaps the objects into place when they trigger the collision and the grab has ended. I struggled with implementing the OVRGrabbable scripts isGrabbed bool before but ideally I would use an if statement to see if the grab has ended and the collider has been triggered and then do a transform to the designated location.

In Order Update #1

For our final project, In Order, we have decided to create a core mechanic in which users grab an object and trigger a spot light and/or particle system to show them where to place the objects within the space. My first task was to script a way for grabbing an object to trigger a light. I overrode parts of the included OVRGrabbable script to the I could exploit the pre-existing GrabBegin() and GrabEnd() methods to trigger events when an object is grabbed or released.

I used it to turn on and change the color of a spotlight. I then deleted the original OVRGrabber script and substituted in my own. Ideally, this system will allow us to iterate our core mechanic over and over again with minimal changes. The next step is to set it up so that the spotlight turns off when the player is holding an object and collides with the area that object should be. This will complete the most basic version of our core mechanic.

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