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Javiela and I are very pleased to have you join this critical seminar for professional development at City Tech. The seminar will meet over two weeks: January 9, 10, 11 and 16, 17, 18.

Please review the syllabus, agenda and readings for our first seminar. Please complete the required readings prior to the seminar.

See you on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 851 2753 8561

Passcode: 976005

Seminar Meeting List

Meeting 2: High-Impact Educational Practices and Open Digital Pedagogies | 01/10/2024

READINGs to be Completed PRIOR to Seminar 2: READINGS

8:45. Virtual Coffee and Donuts

9:00. Greetings

9:10. Discussion of Open Digital Pedagogy, Non-disposable Assignments, Open Education Resources (OER)
Jonas Reitz, Professor, Mathematics, Jody Rosen, Associate Professor, English, and the OpenLab Team – OpenLab and Open Digital Pedagogies

10:30. Sean Scanlan,  Associate Professor, English, “AI Uses and Implications in Education”

10:55. Five-minute break

11:00. Patrick Corbett, Assistant Professor, English,  “Finding ‘Openess’ in the Age of AI”

11:25. Discussion

11:45. Preview of Coming Session

11:55. Wrap-up

Meeting 3: Assessment at CityTech | 01/11/2024

Meeting 4: Projects Review Session| 01/16/2024

Meeting 5: Place-Based Learning | 01/17/2024

Meeting 6: Final Presentations | 01/18/2024

Place-based Learning Preparation and Reflection

Place-based learning experiences can generate multi-faceted activities based on your discipline and observation and research of the space. Our place-based experience this seminar will focus on the Gowanus via a walking tour given by Joseph Alexiou, the author of Gowanus: Brooklyn’s  Curious Canal. Please review the information below and answer the questions before our place-based learning experience on January 17.

The city is our laboratory, we say, so when we visit, we want you to think about why we are visiting this place. 

Why does this place matter from your discipline?

Leave a question or fact that you think can be connected to the site from your discipline. 

Post your answer before we go on the site visit.

Once the Gowanus is Free of Black Mayonnaise Who Will Benefit


The Gowanus Conservancy 

Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center

Gowanus: Brooklyn’s Curious Canal

Contact Info

Everyone, please reply to this post with your email and best phone number so we can continue our collaborations across the college.

Susan Phillip:

Cell: 718-415-9832

Javiela Evangelista:

Cell: 347-581-4964