Narrative essay draft #1 & Draft #2

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Giomara Castillo

October 27, 2015

English 1101-D323

Narrative Essay-Draft #2

Finding My Own Identity

     “We way we treat identical twins is strikingly similar to the way we treat celebrities”- Caroline Paul said. Finding my own identity? It might sound crazy to some of you.You may wonder to  yourself, aren’t we born with our own identity? Well, not in my case. I came into this world in the company of a twin sister. Having a twin is probably one of the best feelings in the world, however, it can get complicated and annoying. Everywhere we go there are people asking us a lot of questions, publicly people assume that we are the same, and lastly our own family often can’t tell us apart.

     Everywhere we go people always ask us a lot of questions. Now that my sister works, and goes to a different college we barely go out together. However when we do, we always get a lot of attention. People stare at us and look confused trying to figure out if we are twins and that’s when the questioning starts. Who was born first? How does it feel to be twins? Do you guys dress alike? How often do you guys fight? They always ask the same questions. I get annoyed especially when I’m not in a good mood and when people give me a weird look. Most of the time I wish people wouldn’t give us that much attention just because we are twins but more by virtue of myself and personality.

      Even though we are twins, we are not the same. We have different feelings, personalities, and opinions. People tend to judge both of us based on the behavior of one of us, thinking that just because one of us commits a mistake the other one is going to do the same. I’m a calm person and sociable. My twin sister is more aggressive and she doesn’t like meeting new people however we both have no patience and we do not tolerate disrespectful people. However, based on the fact that my sister is aggressive and overprotective, most of the people we meet tend to think that they don’t have the need to get to us individually. I would like people to take their time and get to know me more instead of just assuming things.

     It feels so good to have a twin who is more than a sister, and that she really is my best friend, but there is always a problem with being twins, such as looking so much alike that my  family often can’t tell us apart. My family has been over-protective with both of us and they have always spoiled us in every way they could, especially because we are the only twins in the family. They always felt the need to be there for us through good and bad times.Even though they have been there for us most of our lives, they can’t tell us apart. Every Time they see us, they ask us which one is Giomara and which is Johanna. When we were little, I would usually wear a red bracelet and my sister a blue bracelet. That was the only way they could tell us apart, but now when they give up on trying to figure out which one is which they just yell “Gemelas” which means twins in English. 

     Despite all the struggles, that I have to go through being a twin, I still think that I need my twin more than anything. I might have days when I can’t stand people asking me questions, or when  people are staring at us from head to toe but, in the end, it feels good to at least have someone to truly trust and know that she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. Even when she does I know it wasn’t on purpose. Each day I figure out a way for my family to tell us apart. The only I thing I hate dealing with and would like to change is the way people think  that we are the same and that they don’t have the need to know us individually.