Questions for essay,”A Chinaman’s Change:Reflections on the American Dream,”by Eric Liu

Giomara Castillo

September 14,2015




1 Yezierska’s first impression was a land full of opportunities She compares it to her life in Russia by saying that America gives her freedom while in Russia she felt like a prisoner.

2 She aspires to find  a job and live to the fullest. She must work to get money to pay for food and shelter.

3 I don’t think her Americanized family treats her fairly because they take advantage of her, she works for them without receiving any money, she had a place to stay and three meals a day, but that wasn’t enough she needed money to buy clothes.

4 The best part of her second job on Delancey Street was that she didn’t have to work all day long and night, she had the whole afternoon for herself, even though the money earned by working in there wasn’t enough she felt free. She ended up losing the job because everything changed, there was more work and the wage was the same she didn’t have time for herself anymore.

5 Anzina prefers a job where she would be able to use her thinking and feelings. Not knowing how to read, write and speak proper English stopping her from finding the job that she wants.

6 I agree with the author’s argument that immigrants should receive free room and board until they find a job to maintain themselves, because it is so hard to survive in a place without knowing the language, having to get used to a new culture and not knowing your rights.

7 From the pilgrims, she learned that she had to build her own future and not wait for others to do it for her. This knowledge transforms her idea of what takes to succeed in America by giving her some advice and ideas to build her own future.

8 The author utilizes the concepts of hunger and appetite to bring out her thesis by showing how the character strives and thinks of ways to achieve her goals.