Personal Narrative Essay Outline

Giomara Castillo

September 20, 2015


Homework – outline


Finding my own identity

  1. Intro

Finding my own identity? it might sound crazy. You will think to yourself, aren’t we born we born with our own identity?. Not in my case, I came to this world with the company of a twin sister. Having a twin sister is probably one the best things in the world, only those born twins will understand. However, it can get complicated and annoying. Everywhere we go there are people asking us a lot of questions, there’re other people that assume that we are the same, think and feel the same and that’s not always true, and lastly we look exactly alike that even my own family gets confused.

  1. Body.

1.People always ask us million of questions such as who was born fist? Do you guys fight a lot? How does it feel to have a twin? It’s good to get attention but when I’m not in a good mood I get really irritated.

  1. We are not the same, we might look exactly alike, but we think different. We have our own opinions, If we were the same we wouldn’t argue the way we do.
  2. When we were born my mom had to put our bracelets of different colors so my family could know who was me and who was my sister. Usually, my sister would wear a blue bracelet and I would wear a red bracelet. But now it’s hard because we don’t wear the bracelets anymore. Every Time they see us they get confused and stare at me for at least a minute trying to figure out if I’m Giomara or Johanna.

III Conclusion

Having a twin is a blessing, at least that’s what I think. I don’t care if the whole world doesn’t like me at the end I still feel complete because I have my twin more than a sister, she is my best friend. But of course, everything good has its own bad side. Sometimes I feel like the rest of my life people will always remind me as the one of the twins and not for who I am.