Menu (Blog #5) 4/28

This weeks extra assignment was to create two menu mock-ups for a coffee bar/shop called El Jeffe that will be opening in Brooklyn soon. The mock-ups needed to be simple and consist of red and black colors throughout. The designs would be laid on either white off white cardstock, to give it a clean new look. I was limited to san-serif typefaces, but I had full range of whatever san-serif typefaces I wanted to use (as long as the licenses were in order), so this was a fun and creative project for me. Other than the menus, I continued with my weekly Instagram posts for both Crazy Clean and Bovrbon. Being able to work remotely, really came in handy these last few weeks, since I’ve been fighting a weird cold that just didn’t want to break. I was also glad that Josh was so understanding when two of my assignments were emailed to him a day later than their deadlines.

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