Category Archives: Lesson

Week 6: Dynamic Image Gallery, Part 1

Topics: Introducing Project 2 Creating a Simple Image Gallery (JavaScript) Dynamically Loading Images (Flash) Introducing Project 2: Rich Media Player For the next 5 weeks we are going to explore techniques to work with dynamic media assests (images, audio and … Continue reading

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Week 14: Work Session, Final Project Requirements

Class, please follow these guidelines when turning in your final projects: 1. Put your .fla and .swf files in my dropbox on the adga server 2. Post your .swf and .html files on your public website, and post a link … Continue reading

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Week 13: Work Session

We’ll be working in class today, and I’ll be checking your progress.

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Week 12: Hit Testing, Tweens, Transitions, and Third Party Libraries

Hit Testing It can be useful when creating dynamic code based animation to be able to detect when one display object collides with another. This is called ā€œHit Testingā€. You can hit test two ways, with two objects or with … Continue reading

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Week 10: Project 2 Presentations

Topics: Project 2 Presentations Final Project Introduction Final Project For the rest of the semester you will be working on your final project. Next week you should be ready to discuss your project concept. For the final project, you can … Continue reading

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Week #9: Project 2 Code Jam

Topics: Interface Design Reviews Code Jam! Homework Continue working on your multimedia application and be prepared to present your progress next week. Remember to credit any code or asset sources you use! Your final project files will be due after … Continue reading

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Week 8: Loading and Playing Audio and Video

Topics: ActionScript: Loading and Playing Audio ActionScript: Loading and Playing Video HTML5: Loading and Playing Audio and Video ActionScript: Loading and Playing Audio Loading external audio files is similar to loading image or swf files, but you use theĀ SoundĀ andĀ SoundChannelĀ objects instead … Continue reading

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Week 7: Dynamic Image Gallery Part 2

Topics: Flash Adding Flexibility to Your Flash Gallery with XML data Javascript Using jQuery to simplify Javascript A JQuery XML Gallery Adding Flexibility to Your Flash Gallery with XML data Last week we explored loading images dynamically into a Flash … Continue reading

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Week 5: Project 1 Presentations, HTML5 Drawing App Demo

Topics: Project 1 Presentations HTML5 Drawing App HTML5 Drawing App Demo References used in adapting this demo: 2.5.1 HTML5 Canvas Mouse Coordinates Tutorial Create a Drawing App with HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript Creating an HTML 5 canvas painting application Like … Continue reading

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Week 4: Quiz #1, Project #1 Code Jam

Topics: In Class Quiz Homework Review – Interface Design How to use Components in Flash Sliders Drop downs Adding Color and Alpha Settings to Your Drawing App In Class Quiz #1 Awesome Color Picker tutorial on Flash and Math!  

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