Author Archives: cgarnier

Week 5: Project 1 Presentations, HTML5 Drawing App Demo

Topics: Project 1 Presentations HTML5 Drawing App HTML5 Drawing App Demo References used in adapting this demo: 2.5.1 HTML5 Canvas Mouse Coordinates Tutorial Create a Drawing App with HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript Creating an HTML 5 canvas painting application Like … Continue reading

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Week 4: Quiz #1, Project #1 Code Jam

Topics: In Class Quiz Homework Review – Interface Design How to use Components in Flash Sliders Drop downs Adding Color and Alpha Settings to Your Drawing App In Class Quiz #1 Awesome Color Picker tutorial on Flash and Math!  

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Week 3: Drawing Application Part 3

Topics: Homework Review and Troubleshooting Programming Fundamentals: Conditional Statements Comparison Operators Numerical Data Types Mathematical Operators Actionscript Fundamentals: Working with Dynamic Text Drawing Application Part 3: Adding Clear and Line Thickness Settings Programming Fundamentals Before we go on to the … Continue reading

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Week 2: Mouse Events, Drawing Part 2, Wireframes

Topics: Homework Review: Self-Portrait In-class exercise: Drawing with the HTML5 Canvas Event Listeners and Event Handlers Tracking and Reacting to Mouse Events Creating a custom cursor with Actionscript Drawing with the Mouse Project 1: Drawing Application – Creating Wireframes In-class … Continue reading

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Week 1: Drawing With Code

Topics: Skills Survey Flash/Actionscript vs. HTML5/Javascript Drawing with Code Basic Concepts Coordinates Lines Fills Shapes Method 1: Flash and Actionscript Dynamic Display Objects The Sprite Class The Flash Drawing API Method 2: HTML5 and Javascript The Canvas Element Drawing With … Continue reading

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