Author Archives: cgarnier

Week 5: Drawing App presentations, Saving and Printing from Flash

Topics: Drawing App Presentations Saving and Printing from Flash Printing from Flash This is fairly straighforward, but takes many steps, so we’re going to work through my example rather than me give you extensive notes on this. Saving a File … Continue reading

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Week 4: Quiz #1, Project #1 Code Jam

Topics In Class Quiz #1 Homework Review – Interface Design How to use Components in Flash Sliders Drop downs Adding Color and Alpha Settings to Your Drawing App Awesome Color Picker tutorial on Flash and Math! Homework: Next week your … Continue reading

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Week 3: Drawing Application Part 3

Topics: Homework Review and Troubleshooting Programming Fundamentals: Conditional Statements Comparison Operators Numerical Data Types Mathematical Operators Actionscript Fundamentals: Working with Dynamic Text Drawing Application Part 3: Adding Clear and Line Thickness Settings Programming Fundamentals Before we go on to the … Continue reading

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Week 2: Mouse Events, Drawing Part 2, Wireframes

Topics: Homework Review: Self-Portrait In-class exercise: Drawing with the HTML5 Canvas Event Listeners and Event Handlers Tracking and Reacting to Mouse Events Creating a custom cursor with Actionscript Drawing with the Mouse Project 1: Drawing Application – Creating Wireframes In-class … Continue reading

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Week 1: Drawing With Code

Topics: Skills Survey Flash/Actionscript vs. HTML5/Javascript Drawing with Code Basic Concepts Coordinates Lines Fills Shapes Method 1: Flash and Actionscript Dynamic Display Objects The Sprite Class The Flash Drawing API Skills Survey Please click the link about and fill out … Continue reading

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