Author Archives: cgarnier

Week 15: Final Presentations

Please post a .zip of your final project files to your folder in the class Dropbox. Make sure to include in the comments credit for any code or plugins that aided you in your project. Please include your source files: .fla … Continue reading

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Week 14: Work Session

Today we are going to work on projects. I’ll speak with each of you individually about your progress and help you with specific issues on your projects. Homework I was noticing as I was getting work together for the student … Continue reading

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Week 13: Concept Presentations

Topics: Final Project Concept Presentations Class Work Session  

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Week 12: More Animating With Code, Hit Testing, Tweens, and Transitions

Topics: Javascript Animating with Jquery Effects Drag and Drop Actionscript Hit Testing Tweens and Transitions Animating with Jquery Effects JQuery has a number of animation technique through its effects methods. These are documented here: JQuery Effects A number of the … Continue reading

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Week 11: Project 2 Presentations, Animating With Code

Topics: Project 2 Presentations Final Project Introduction ActionScript: Animating with code: Frame-based events Timers Hit Testing ActionScript: Animating with code Today we’re going to explore some events that allow us to animate and react with code. Next week we’ll talk … Continue reading

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Week 10: MP3 player, Code Jam

Homework Dropbox  Topics: Homework Review – MP3 Players Interface Design Reviews Code Jam! Homework Next week you will present your functional Media Player project. Get it as functional and designed as possible.

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Week 9: Loading and Playing Audio and Video

Topics: Wireframe Reviews JQuery Plugin Tryouts ActionScript: Loading and Playing Audio ActionScript: Loading and Playing Video HTML5: Loading and Playing Audio and Video ActionScript: Loading and Playing Audio Loading external audio files is similar to loading image or swf files, … Continue reading

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Please Let Me Know Your Status

Hello Class! I truly hope your are all ok after the storm last week. As you know, Citytech classes resumed on Friday, and our class will meet as normal tomorrow. I would like to get a sense of who will … Continue reading

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Week 7: Dynamic Image Gallery Part 2

Topics: Adding Flexibility to Your Image Gallery with XML data Using XML with Actionscript Javascript Using jQuery to simplify Javascript A JQuery XML Gallery Adding Flexibility to Your Image Gallery with XML data Last week we explored loading images dynamically … Continue reading

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Week 6: Dynamic Image Gallery, Part 1

Topics: Introducing Project 2 Simple Image Gallery (Javascript) Dynamically Loading Images (Flash) Introducing Project 2: Rich Media Player For the next 5 weeks we are going to explore techniques to work with dynamic media assests (images, audio and video) in … Continue reading

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