I, Tituba chapter 5-9

in comparison Mary’s Master Mr. D and Mr. Parris are weak men who take pleasure in hitting the weak. they both beat their wife and think it was okay to be dominance, Mr. parris even go as far as hitting his own daughter. Tituba, love Betsy and Elizabeth parris because they too have been rob of their childhood.

Parris is a wicked man who used the words of the Bible to his convince. His wife is so tormented by him, one day she asked Tituba ” If she thinks there were a curse in woman.’ Tibuba does not share Elizabeth point of view about life, she love to defend herself like Mary did and she is comfortable in her sexuality. In face whereas, Elizabeth hate sex Tituba embrace sex to the fullest.

It is a sad situation that Tituba found herself in just because of love for her husband John Indian. She is caught up in a life of slavery that she could have avoid. Now, she is home sick and she long for the island of Barbados. To keep her memory alive she is telling the children and Elizabeth the story that she were one told when she was a child. However, big mistake and she realized when conning Abigail asking her question strange questions. After all did Tituba not recognized the evil in Abigail’s eyes from the first day she met her.

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