Breath, Eyes, Momory. Chapter 13 – 19

Sophie has tried to put the horrible episode of the testing behind her for awhile as she return to Haiti. My thought is that she has returned surching for answers, to find some piece of information that will fit the puzzle to the peace less life she is living. The despairs and physical traumas she has encountered living with Martine has left Sophie dysfunctional and living a life filled with lies. You can tell that he cannot enjoy her marriage to Joseph because she has to doubling when making love to him. The life with Martine has cause Sophie to hate her body, and become bulimic, she is hiding her true feeling and existing in shadows of doubt. When Sophie Broke her own hymen to break the hole Martine had on her It’s seems like other parts of her life were also broken. Will her return to Haiti heal Sophie heart and soul? Will she find the answers she is seeking from her grandmother.

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