Breath, Eyes, Memory 28 – End By Jayme Monge

Throughout the novel, there was this one moment which really shocked me. Everything was becoming clear for Sophie and secretes the mother kept from Sophie were revealed. Sophie and her mother Martine, started to overcome their differences. They began to develop a mother and daughter bondage like all parents would. Everything was going all good, up until Sophie was informed that her mother was pregnant. Due to her mother’s pregnancy Sophie became a reliable resource for Martine. It also brought them even closer because it made the mother and daughter bondage even stronger. Martine, was dependent on Sophie because she was in a process of giving birth to a child. Martine suddenly undergoes a psychotic state which she recalls the rape that traumatized her all her life. Now that Martine, is traumatized she commits suicide by stabbing herself 17 times in the stomach.  Now that Martine is gone Sophie is now a free and independent woman. Sophie believes that she’s about to begin a new chapter in life. Although freedom has very different ideas especially in America and Haiti. In America freedom is based upon Material, Knowledge, and growth. In Haiti freedom is based upon loyalty, family, friendship, culture, and respect.

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