Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapters 5- 8

Sophie arrive in the USA to live with her mother who is basically a stranger to her. Sophie does not feel the same connection she has with Tante Atie for her mother. The next day, Martine took Sophie shopping to introduce her to the Haiti culture that exist in her neighborhood. However, what was so sad in this moment was Sophie thought when Martine when to the Haiti Express to mail the cassette for Tante Artie.  Her desire was if she could  shrink herself small enough to fit into the box her mother was mailing off to Artie, she would be in that box. I realized that the abrupt change in Sophie’s life is one that she is not prepared for. Martine on the other hand, is too caught up in the moment to realize that a red flag was erected between mother and daughter. True feelings are not being shown in these chapters of the book and it started when Martine asks Sophie if she was the mother  that Sophie imagined. Sophie replies, that she could not asks for better. Question to be ask, will Sophie concept of her mother change when Martine will always want to know. ” You’re a  good girl, aren’t you?”

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