Breath, Eyes, Memory Ch.13-19

Sophie returned to Haiti after being in New York City for many years. In addition, Sophie was married with Joseph and had a daughter named Brigitte. Also, she met a woman named Louise who wanted to go the United States of America just like Sophie. She worked as a secretary. I found Sophie’s personality significant because she raising her daughter very well and had a full-time job after finishing college. The scene with Sophie missing her husband, Joseph was very significant. I believed it was very important because he used to play his saxophone next to the pregnant Sophie while she was pregnant. Also, she put on one of his old shirts. This shows how Sophie really missed her husband, but never forgotten about him. Another scene was with coal vendor being  attacked by the Macoutes. After the coal vendor accidently stepped on the baby-faced Macoute’s foot, the latter hit the vendor’s ribs with automatic gun. Furthermore, the other macoutes ruthlessly attacked the vendor with their boots. Most of the people including Grandme Ife, Louise and Sophie were appalled at this scene.

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