Blog post 13

In part three Sophie goes back to Haiti and stays with her aunt and grandmother. You can see how much she has grown because of the way she loves and cares for her child. She also came on her little adventure alone leaving her husband in New York showing she’s capable of being on her own. She can take care of her self. One part that stood out to me was when they were at the market and Sophie got to see the things that go on. Louise started asking if they would buy her pig. This part stood out to me because when ever you’re in a third world country or birth country they natives can tell you’re an outsider and they always tend to bother you. Often time treating you really good because they are hoping for something else in return like when Louise gave Sophie the drink she said I know you’ll pay me later. There’s also a scene that’s shows how dangerous these countries are and you have to look out for yourself and be careful. The coal vendor was getting beaten and Sophie’s grandmother made a remark asking if she wanted to be next. Overall this part of the book showed us how Sophie matured and how Haiti

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