Danticat, Breath, Eyes, Memory , Chapters 13-19 By Jayme Monge


Throughout society we make diverse decisions in life. Those decisions can have a positive or negative impact on our lives. In this scene Sophie made her decision to utilize the mortar pestle on her private part. In order to prevent her mother from inspecting her she took action of using it. After all Sophie thought that sex was important in her relationship with Joseph. Nobody should interfere with her sexual desires and life. After this episode there were several alterations being made of rebellion, her life, and her relationship with her mother.Ever since Sophie’s departure from her mother’s home she undergoes a case of suffering.  Not only did Sophie disobey her mother’s regulations he appears to be in trouble. Due to her lack of knowledge in decision making not only is she suffering but she caused herself pain as well. Sophie was in massive pain and is still willing to have painful sex with Joseph soon after moving-in with him. After the pestle trauma, the painful sex with Joseph, she eventually conceived a baby. In which she later returns to Haiti with and e Aunt Atie and Grandmother Ife welcomed the baby to the family..

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