Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapter 9-12

When reading this section of the book Sophie is now eighteen years old and is going to start attending college in Fall. Sophie and her mother Martine moves into a nice small house which is pretty close to Marc’s. When moving Sophie meets her new neighbor Joseph who is about her mothers age. Joseph is a saxophonist who begins to talk to Sophie and takes her to his shows and for dinner. When Martine found out about Joseph she began giving Sophie “Tests”, which was checking to see if Sophie is still a virgin or not. When finding Sophie still together she would not say anything to Sophie. What stood out to me the most in this reading is when Sophie got so frustrated with her mother and took her own virginity. This shows that Sophie having a strict mother put a lot of pressure on her and was probably tired of her mother holding her back from being with Joseph. So taking her own virginity was a way of rebelling against her mother’s authorities to finally get what she wanted which was Joseph.

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