Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapters 5-8

During this section of reading in Breath, Eyes, Memory, Sophie arrives in New York City to be greeted by her mother Martine. When Sophie first sees Martine she is shocked by her physical appearance She is thin and scrawny looking in person unlike the picture that Tantie Atie has of her in her house back in Haiti. Martine picks up Sophie and they go to her apartment building which is ghetto and run down looking. A part of this reading that stood out to me the most is when Martine told her that the only way she can be someone in this country is if you have an education. She also says that she can have a chance to be a kind of woman that herself and Atie wanted to be. She says this because she did not have the opportunity to do such when she arrived in NYC because of being to old to go to school. So she had to work her entire time here most likely at minimum wage. So that being said she doesn’t want Sophie to go through the hardships she have endured and wants her to become a better person and make it in America.


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