Breath, Eyes, Memory 1-4

Sophie a little Haitian girl is living a happy existence with her Tanta (Aunt) Atie in a small village, with New York money and a job as a home maker with a white family Sophie’s takes good care of her. She pushes Sophie in school because she lost her childhood working in the sugarcane fields with her parents, and never learned to read. This deeply hurts her, she owns a Bible that she keeps under her pillow and wishes she could one day unlocks its wisdoms. Even though she desires to learn to read, she refuses to have kids teach her, so she measures her educational success through that of Sophie’s.

She receives a package and it includes a plane ticket for Sophie to join her mother in New York. Sophie’s Tante Atie is devastated because she is going to lose the child she raised from birth. She is waiting for the right moment to announce this trip to Sophie, she seeks the advice of Mr. Augustin who tells his wife and she spills the beans to Sophie. This breaks Sophie’s heart because she has no desire to leave Haiti or her Tante Atie, but the choice wasn’t hers’ to make. The preparation starts and she is now making the rounds to say her goodbyes.

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