I, Tituba 8-12 of part 2

I, Tituba is save from living all her day incarcenated when Benjamin Cohen came to the prison and rescued her. Her responsibility was to take care of Cohen ten children. When Tituba saw how much he was suffering because of the death of his wife Abigail, she returned to what she knows best communicating with the spirits. soon enought he asked Tituba if his daughter Elizabeth could joint the session, he wanted his daughter to talk with her mother.

What I love in this part of the book is the way Cohen and Tibuta comforted each other and became lovers, despite the vast different race. He treated her like a part of the family and even  discussed his history and business ideas with her. However, where ever Tituba is nothing stayes calm for too long. She is recognized by someone on the street then things turned bad. Tituba is almost stone to death, Cohen house is set on fire and he lost his ten children plus his two boath.

one night Tituba asked Cohen for her freedom and he refused and was angry with Tituba for asking. Only to later confess that he was holding on to her only to communicate with his love ones. He finally decided to give her the freedom she had asked for and bought a ticket for her to returned to Barbados.


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