Krystal Corry – I, Tituba (Chapter 10-1 part 1)

Tituba’s giving personality is still shown as I continue to read the book. Tituba is the most courageous character in this novel. Something that I admire about Tituba is the way that she always stands up for herself to those who sees her her for what she is not. She stands up to those who thinks she is the opposite of her real views, morals and goals. For example on page 61, Mary Walcott say’s to Tituba, “Tituba, is it true you know everything, you see everything, and can do everything? You’re a witch then?” Tituba immediately replies with her fuel of rage, “Don’t use words whose meaning you don’t know. Do you know what a witch really is?” Tituba doesn’t think twice on representing herself. Tituba considers herself a healing person, or a “good witch”. Tituba associates being a witch with being positive, being able to heal, and protection. However, the society around Tituba associates witches with negativity, evil, and having bonds with the devil. Furthermore, Tituba is shown to be very courageous throughout the text especially compared to other characters in the novel. Such an example would be Good Wife Parris who is often being pushed around, and physically abused by her husband Samuel Parris.

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