The part that I felt really sad for Tituba was when she was walking back from Long Wharf with the kids, she witnesses a terrible sight that were never to be forgotten. It was that a lot of people was watching an execution of an old woman in the same way Abena, Tituba’s mother, was executed. For Tituba it was like reliving her mother’s execution when she was a child. It was not fair because she already endured her mother’s death but when she sees it happen again all her memories from her mother’s execution became alive. Tituba couldn’t do amything but scream really loud because of her powerless rage. I feel sorry for Tituba having to relive her mother’s dead but what I worry about the most is that the old woman got executed because she was a witch and Tituba is also considered a witch so there is a chance that she can be executed too and die in the same way as her mother.