Tituba Chapter 1-4

While reading I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem, I discover something very significant during the reading. Before Tituba was born, her mother Abena was sexually assaulted by an English sailor. Afterwards, Tituba was born from hatred and abhorrence. I found this scene very significant because Abena had been experiencing a lot of trauma and pain throughout her life before the birth of her daughter. For example, Darnell Davis, a wealthy planter, bought her because he assumed that Abena was a skillful slave. Unfortunately, this barbarian discovered that she was pregnant. On the other hand, Jennifer, Darnell’s wife had been resentful to him because she was forced to marry him. She had a good solid relationship with Abena. Also, he had several of illegitimate children. Another scene I found which is significant as well as disturbing in the novel is Darnell showing his private part to Abena. This act would cause Abena to retaliate on him before he had her executed. I feel greatly sad because Abena was trying to defend herself on Darnell which led to her execution. Furthermore, I believe Darnell should be punished than Abena for sexually harshment because he was very vile and harsh to her after founding out that she was pregnant.

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