#1: History of Mary Prince (1-19)

Reading pages 1-19 in ” The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave”, was very disturbing. Of course I am very familiar with the word slavery because of reading and learning about it in history textbooks. But everyone knows that history textbooks just write about things they want you to know and the real deal. So reading it from someone thats been through slavery is of course more gloomy than coming from a baised history text book.

“I was made quite a pet of by Miss Betsey, and loved her very much. She used to lead me about by the hand, and call me her little n****r. This was the happiest period of my life; for I was too young to understand rightly my condition as a slave, and too thoughtless and full of spirits to look forward to the days of toil and sorrow.” This significant moment stood up to me because it surprised me that Mary loved Miss Betsey calling her that name and how she considered herself as her pet. This part really shocked me cause I always learned that slaves of course felt disrespected when they would be called that name. But from Mary’s point of view is different from that.

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