The History of Mary Prince: Reading from pages 1-19

The significant part of the text that stand out for me in the reading was found on page 3, at the end of paragraph 2. When Mary walk into the room, her mother said “Here come my poor picaninnies, one of the poor slave-brood who are to be sold tomorrow.” Despite the agony to keep her children safe, as a mother she could not do so because, she was not a free woman neither her children.

I pick this segment of the text because as a mother I could relate to the anguish Mary’s mother is experiencing in that moment. I have taken care of my son all his life and at the age of seventeen he told me, ” mom I am my own man now and you have to learn to stop telling me what to do or how to run my life.” Although my son was not being sold into slavery and I would see him continually, those words still hurt me to the core of my soul.

The realization of me loosing control of my son care and Mary’s mother also loosing the care of her daughter, is the moment that add my experience to the meaning of the text.


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