Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wed Nov 21 Update & Next HW assignement

We reviewed the cofactor expansion for computing determinants (Sec 3.1), and pointed out the special case for triangular matrices. We also talked through exercises 19-24, which indicate how the elementary row operations affect the value of the determinant. That led … Continue reading

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Khan Academy: Linear Algebra

You may find the Khan Academy’s Linear Algebra videos helpful.  Here is the video for the topic we discussed in class on Monday: “Finding the determinant of a 3×3 matrix” See also the videos for nxn determinants, and for computing … Continue reading

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Hello Math 2580/6653 World

Welcome to the OpenLab site for Math 2580/6653 – Introduction to Linear Algebra (Fall 2012). I’m going to belatedly start using OpenLab for course annoucements, posting documents & links, etc. So please join the course (from the course profile page, … Continue reading

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