The Beginning

Week two of this summer semester was when I began working at Rain River Images. When I applied last week, the owner emailed me back and asked if I was available for an interview on Friday. Due to the pandemic, the interview was done over zoom. I prepped for whatever question he may ask by practicing my responses to common questions and doing some research on his studio. The interview itself was very casual and I was given the internship on the spot. I started the internship officially on Monday June 7th, and we began with a zoom meeting to go over the project details and expectations for what my role will be in this internship. From here on out we will be conversing through Slack and we will be meeting over zoom once a week.

Currently I was asked to create some quick rough thumbnails and ideas using the copy given to me. Later on in that same week, we had another meeting to check in on my progress with the ideas. I made some rough storyboards to show what I had in mind. We discussed which ones worked better and which ideas needed more work. Eventually it was decided which direction I would go with and move forward to creating some rough cuts.

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