Objectives: During Weeks 5 through 10, students will learn about health promotion and disease prevention and the role of health care professionals. When delivering services to culturally diverse populations, the importance of health equity will be considered as well as traditional and alternative medical treatments. Students will engage in a group exercise to apply concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.
Note: Due dates for all assignments/exams are listed on the syllabus, posted on Brightspace.
Session 5: Asynchronous
Health promotion and disease prevention
Assignment: Blog Entry #2
Directions: Review the links below and learn about (a & b) differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, (c) WHO’s definition of health promotion and disease prevention, and (d) ways to prevent chronic conditions. Then, complete the Week 5 Assignments.
- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention | IWH
- Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention | CDC
- Health promotion and disease prevention | WHO
- How you can prevent chronic diseases | CDC
Read: Contemporary Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (Raingruber, 2017) Chapter 2 - The History of Health Promotion Chapter 3 - Health Promotion Theories
Assignment: Online Quiz #1 Due on Brightspace
Directions: Complete two assignments that cover key concepts from Weeks 1 through 5 and what you have learned thus far.
- Assignment: Complete Online Quiz #1, covering concepts from Weeks 1 through 5.
Session 6: Online Lecture
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
Directions: Review the links and video below and learn about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Then, complete the Week 7 Assignment.
- Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What’s in a Name? | NIH
- What is alternative medicine? | WebMD
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) | NCI
- Complementary Medicine | Mayo Clinic Radio (Video)
Read: Contemporary Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (Raingruber, 2017) Chapter 7 - Artistic, Creative, and Aesthetic Approaches to Health Promotion
Assignment: Blog Entry #3
Directions: You have been provided a patient profile and health condition to write about for your midterm paper. After reviewing the links and video above respond to the four items below on Brightspace.
- Item 1: Provide a definition for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
- Item 2: What does integrative health mean?
- Item 3: Choose one example of CAM and describe the CAM selected as well as its benefits.
- Item 4: Explain how the CAM you selected may benefit the patient you were assigned for the midterm paper. For this item, you will need to do some research with reputable sources. Be sure to include a reference for the CAM you select.
Session 7: Online Lecture
Health promotion models and health equity
Directions: In preparation for class, review the links below and be able to understand how health promotion activities can vary by (a) age and (b) race/ethnicity. In addition, learn about (c) health disparities, (d) health literacy, and (e) health equity.
- Health Promotion Activities Across the Lifespan | CDC
- Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Program | CDC (including Video)
- Health Disparities | Tedx Video
- Health Literacy | NNLM
- Health Equity | CDC
Read: Contemporary Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (Raingruber, 2017) Chapter 5 - Health Disparities Chapter 6 - Health Literacy
Session 8: Asynchronous
Midterm Paper Due: Brightspace submission
Directions: For the midterm paper, you will be submitting a case study. Simply stated, a case study is a research approach that involves in-depth examination of a single person. You have been assigned a particular health condition and patient profile. You will write a case study on that patient that covers the following items:
- Patient’s health condition: Provide an overview of the patient and their health condition. Be sure to describe how the patient’s demographic characteristics (such as age, gender, race, etc.) may impact their health condition.
- Patient’s risk factors: Explain what risk factors the patient should pay attention to, given their health condition.
- Health promotion/disease prevention strategies: Describe what health promotion/disease prevention strategies may help the patient. Explain whether the strategies represent primary, secondary, or tertiary services and why.
- Complementary and alternative medicine strategies: Explain what complementary or alternative medicine strategies may help the patient.
Submission checklist:
- Your paper should be about 8 to 10 pages in length, double-spaced, use Times New Roman 12-point font, and with one-inch margins.
- Be sure to answer each of the 4 items thoroughly with research from reputable sources including journal articles, major newspapers, and governmental agencies. You should reference at least 4 external research sources (one per item).
- Support what you write with APA style in-text citations/references:
- Do not copy-and-paste information. Instead, read through the information and summarize it in your own words.
- Carefully proofread your paper. If you are not a strong writer, seek help from City Tech’s Writing Center:
Session 9: Online Lecture
Group presentations #1: Case Study
During Weeks 9 and 10, six groups will be presenting on their assigned patient profile.
- Patient profiles are the same ones that were assigned for the Midterm paper.
- Presentations will be 20 minutes each, with a 10-minute question-and-answer period.
- The presentation will cover the four areas of the midterm papers: (1) patient’s health condition, (2) patient’s risk factors, (3) recommended health promotion/disease prevention strategies, and (4) recommended complementary and alternative medicine strategies.
- Be sure that your presentation is supported by at least 4 external research sources (one per area).
- Groups will prepare and use a PowerPoint for their presentation.
- In addition, each group will play an active role in another group’s 10-minute question-and-answer period. This will be discussed during class.
Assignment: Due Week 9 on Brightspace – Group Presentation #1 PowerPoint
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