Midterm Grades and Midterm Exams for FYW Courses At City Tech Spring, 2015

Faculty are required to confidentially inform students of their midterm grades based on work submitted prior to the spring recess.  Although midterm grades cannot be reported in CUNYFirst, there are several other options for doing this:  faculty can record student midterm grades in BlackBoard, or on paper when the instructor returns an assignment or essay.  Faculty are actively discouraged from e-mailing students their midterm grades because this can lead to some confusion on the part of students and to extra work for faculty members.

The grading scheme is as follows:

P=Passing work

BL= Borderline


SA=Stopped Attending

Although NOT required for FYW courses at City Tech, midterm exams involving some type of in-class writing activity are included by many instructors in the FYW program in their courses.  Instructors use the midterm exam for one or more of the following purposes:  to prepare students for the final exam, which is a requirement for all FYW courses; to give students an opportunity to practice in-class essay writing; to allow students to practice some specific element of college-level reading and writing practices, including summary writing and/or textual analysis.  Midterm grades may or may not include the grade a student receives on the midterm exam if one is administered since students will have already submitted a number of formal and informal writing and reading assignments prior to taking the exam, and thus have completed enough work for the instructor to assess their performance in the course.

A sample midterm exam for the ENG1101 course is available on the FYW @ City Tech Open Lab website, and can be accessed here:


Additional information about the FYW course final exams can be accessed here:


Instructors of FYW courses at City Tech are responsible for designing their own midterm exam if they choose to give one, and are encouraged to closely integrate whatever midterm assessment method they choose into their specific course content.

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Professor Rodgers’ New Textbook Technology: A Reader for Writers Is Now Available!



A Reader for Writers

Johannah Rodgers

Publication Date – December 2014


What is “technology”? Why do we need to study it? How is it related to and involved with a wide-range of socio-cultural and political issues?

Technology: A Reader for Writers focuses on the timely and vital subject of information and communications technologies and presents a range of contemporary and classic articles that invite students to consider and engage with questions related to how, why, and in what ways we may be able to critically reflect on ourselves and societies by writing and thinking about technology. Accompanied by group-discussion questions and writing prompts that ask students to engage with many of the same information and communications technologies they are reading about, the readings in Technology: A Reader for Writers give students the opportunity to explore, learn, and write about technologies and the many issues and institutions related to them, including education, public policy, healthcare, social ethics, literacy practices, social activism, and global economics, in a unique, purpose-based, and hands-on manner.

Developed for the freshman composition course, Technology: A Reader for Writers includes an interdisciplinary mix of public, academic, and scientific reading selections, providing students with the rhetorical knowledge and compositional skills required to participate effectively in discussions about technology, science, and society.

Technology: A Reader for Writers is part of a series of brief single-topic readers from Oxford University Press designed for today’s college writing courses. Each reader in this series approaches a topic of contemporary conversation from multiple perspectives.

ISBN: 9780199340736

384 pages
5-1/2 x 8-1/4 inches

In Stock

Retail Price to Students: $37.95

Read. Write. Oxford. 

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Welcome to the Spring 2015 Semester!

DATE:            January 22, 2015

TO:                  FYW Faculty

FROM:            Johannah Rodgers

SUBJECT:     FYW Beginning of Term Memo                         ________________________________________________________________

Dear Colleagues,

I’m delighted that you will be teaching a FYW course at City Tech in the Spring, 2015 semester.  To assist instructors with developing their syllabi and weekly course schedules, as well as to help the FYW Program coordinate and oversee course materials, I am writing now to let you know about a few new resources related to syllabus and course schedule development and about some new procedures for submission of these documents to the department.

A Syllabus Template is now available for ENG1101 and ENG1121 courses.  Please feel free to use this template in developing your syllabus.  A Weekly Course Schedule Template is included with the Syllabus Template and INCLUDES A DATE FOR THE FINAL EXAM.  Instructors are strongly encouraged to use this template in developing their weekly course schedules.  If you choose not to use this template, please ENSURE that you consult this template when assigning dates for the final exam in your own course schedule.

Along with the syllabus templates, you will also find in the COURSE TOOLS section, a template for and information about the City Tech eCourse Folder, which is how attendance and grades are recorded for each course.

While we understand that course schedules may need to be revised over the course of the semester, the FYW Program would be most appreciative if instructors could SUBMIT a copy of their draft syllabus to the FYW Program PRIOR to the beginning of the semester.  You should feel free to revise and update this over the course of the semester.  If possible, please submit your Spring 2015 syllabus via the NEW FYW Syllabus Submission Form on the FYW Open Lab site.  Alternately, you can e-mail your syllabus as an attachment to Johannah Rodgers (jrodgers@citytech.cuny.edu).


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Welcome to the Spring 2015 Semester at City Tech!  On the First Year Writing @ City Tech Web site, you will find resources for planning your course and developing your syllabus, including sample syllabi and assignments for Introduction to Composition (ENG1101) and Advanced Composition (ENG1121),a “living handbook” for writing faculty at City Tech, as well as a range of resources related to best practices in teaching writing in general, in the disciplines, and across the curriculum. Some general information about college policies and resources is available here; new faculty will find answers to many FAQs in this document.  Below are some documents to review–and possibly use–as you put together your syallbus for the Spring, 2015 semester.






 CityTech Course eFolder

CityTech Course eFolder Instructions



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FYW End of Term Memo

SUBJECT:     FYW End of Term Memo: Final Exams, Final Grades, and eClass Folders

DATE:            December 4, 2014

TO:                 First Year Writing (FYW) Faculty

FROM:            Johannah Rodgers, Director of Composition

Dear Colleagues,

As an addendum to the End of Term Memo distributed last week by Prof. Nina Bannett, I wanted to address some specific questions and issues that a number of you have raised related to Final Exams and Final Grades.

Final Exams
You are strongly encouraged to use a grading rubric for grading these exams.  If you find that the final exam performance rubric available on the FYW@City Tech website is too cumbersome, you may want to consider creating your own, condensed rubric, using the department one as a model.  Once graded, final exams shouldbe placed in the folder in which they were distributed to you and returned toLily in N512.  These exams are kept onfile and are consulted in the case of any grade disputes.

Final Grades
Final grades, which are due by December 29, need to be reported in two ways:  first, in CUNY First, and second, in the eClassFolder.  If anyone has any questions about CUNYFirst, please feel free to contact me via email: jrodgers@citytech.cuny.edu. I willdo my best to respond and to your query quickly.  Regarding the eClass Folder, which is really now a “sheet” and not a “folder,” you will need to submit this via your CityTech e-mail account to Lily Lam: llam@citytech.cuny.edu. You will submit the file as an attachment to your e-mail to Lily and YOU MUST SAVE AND NAME the file according to the following guidelines:  CourseNumber Section Number Instructor Name Semester Code.  For Professor Rodgers’ Fall 2014 ENG1101/HD69course, the file will be named as follows:    ENG1101HD69Rodgers1149      Please follow this format EXACTLY.  The“semester code” for Fall 2014 is–somewhat inexplicably*–1149 .  For those who have been keeping their eClassFolder electronically, you can send the file as a .xlsx file.  For those who have been keeping their eClassFolder on paper, you can SCAN a copy of this, name the scanned file according to the guidelines above, and e-mail that .pdf  file to Lily.  For any additional questions about eClassFolders, please refer to the Associate Provost’s Memo on eClass Folders on the FYW@CityTech website.  For additional guidance on assigning Final Grades for FYW Courses, please refer to the section on “GRADING” in the FYW@CityTech Living Handbook for Faculty.

Thank you all for all of your work this semester. I hope you have a very good end to the semester and a wonderful break.

*For those interested in the provenance of this “code,” Professor Bannett has explained that in the language of CUNYFirst, the code refers to “1,” the millennium in which we are living, “14,” the designated year, and “9,” the month in which the fall semester generally commences.

Johannah Rodgers
Director of Composition
Asst. Professor
Department of English
New York City College of Technology

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English Departmental Make-Up Exam Date for Fall 2014 Courses

Students needing to take a make-up exam for any Fall 2014 English courses can do so on January 6 from 3-4:30.  Please ask them to go to N512 for information on the location of the make-up exams.  Instructors who have students needing to take make-up exams are responsible for making sure copies of the exam for the course are on file in the English Department Office (N512) and that students planning to take the ENG1101 final exam have been provided the reading for the exam PRIOR to the date of the exam.  Please do not hesitate to contact the English Department with any questions related to the January 6 make-up exam date.

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Final Exams and Final Grades for FYW Courses (FALL 2014)



COURSE FOLDERS AND COURSE GRADES: Per the beginning-of-term memo from the provost’s office, everyone must fill out and submit an ecourse folder for each course he/she is teaching.  Click here for instructions on accessing and using course folders.  At the conclusion of the semester course folders and course final exams are returned to the department secretary, Lily Lam, in N512.

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Midterm Grades and Midterm Exams for FYW Courses at City Tech

Faculty are required to confidentially inform students of their midterm grades based on work submitted prior to the date when midterm grades are due (See City Tech Academic Calendar for specific date).  Although midterm grades cannot be reported in CUNYFirst, there are several other options for doing this:  faculty can record student midterm grades in BlackBoard, or on paper when the instructor returns an assignment or essay.  Faculty are actively discouraged from e-mailing students their midterm grades because this can lead to some confusion on the part of students and to extra work for faculty members.

The grading scheme is as follows:

P=Passing work

BL= Borderline


SA=Stopped Attending

Although NOT required for FYW courses at City Tech, midterm exams involving some type of in-class writing activity are included by many instructors in the FYW program in their courses.  Instructors use the midterm exam for one or more of the following purposes:  to prepare students for the final exam, which is a requirement for all FYW courses; to give students an opportunity to practice in-class essay writing; to allow students to practice some specific element of college-level reading and writing practices, including summary writing and/or textual analysis.  Midterm grades may or may not include the grade a student receives on the midterm exam if one is administered since students will have already submitted a number of formal and informal writing and reading assignments prior to taking the exam, and thus have completed enough work for the instructor to assess their performance in the course.

A sample midterm exam for the ENG1101 course is available on the FYW @ City Tech Open Lab website, and can be accessed here:


Additional information about the FYW course final exams can be accessed here:


Instructors of FYW courses at City Tech are responsible for designing their own midterm exam if they choose to give one and are encouraged to closely integrate whatever midterm assessment method they choose into their specific course content.

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Welcome to the Fall, 2014 Semester!

Welcome to the Fall 2014 Semester at City Tech!  On the First Year Writing @ City Tech Web site, you will find resources for planning your course and developing your syllabus, including sample syllabi and assignments for Introduction to Composition (ENG1101) and Advanced Composition (ENG1121), a “living handbook” for writing faculty at City Tech, as well as a range of resources related to best practices in teaching writing in general, in the disciplines, and across the curriculum. Some general information about college policies and resources is available here; new faculty will find answers to many FAQs in this document.

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Open Access Course Materials for Fall 2014 FYW Courses

As always, the First Year Writing Program @ City Tech is looking for new ways to integrate and use Open Access course materials in writing courses.  Here are a few of the latest Open Access resources available:

Open Access English Handbook

Open Access Rhetoric

Open Access Readings

City Tech ENG1101/ENG1121 Open Access Reader

Digital Composition Open Access Reader

Writing Spaces I: Readings on Writing

Writing Spaces II: Readings on Writing

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