ENG1101 Writing Lab Hour Resources

ENG1101 Writing Lab Hour: An Introduction

Instructors and students use the fourth hour to engage in active learning exercises that promote course goals and learning objectives related to any of the five broad areas that students are working towards achieving a degree of confidence and proficiency in while they are enrolled in FYW courses:

  1. Developing Rhetorical Awareness and Knowledge
  2. Understanding and Engaging with Reading and Writing as Processes
  3. Developing Critical Thinking, Reading, Writing, and Researching Skills
  4. Composing in Manual and Digital Environments
  5. Developing Knowledge and Understanding of  the Conventions of Academic Writing

Such active learning exercises can be, but are not limited to:

  • workshopping drafts
  • invention and brainstorming exercises
  • composing
  • editing
  • revising
  • active or guided reading
  • active or guided discussion of writing strategies, reading strategies, research strategies, critical thinking skills, or academic convenions, including the structure and use of  language and dialects, for instance Standard Written English

Instructors are encouraged to use the fourth contact hour as a student-centered
workshop-, or lab-hour with a focus on hands-on composing and exercises related to course assignments. 

While instructors are encouraged to be creative in their approach to designing curricula for the workshop/lab-hour, it is important that this additional class time NOT be dedicated to 1/ instructor-dominated discussion, 2/ actual or practice test-taking, 3/ unstructured “study-hall” activities.

Sample lab-hour activities by week are available on the FYW website and included in the FYW Handbook.  Instructors are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to submit Writing Lab Hour Assignments and Activities by using the form below. Instructors are also encouraged to share their thoughts, questions, suggestions, and best practices for Writing Lab Hour Assignments and Activities in the ENG1101 Writing Lab Hour Discussion Forum.


An Introduction to the ENG1101 Writing Lab Hour

Instructors and students can use the new ENG1101 fourth hour to engage in active learning exercises that promote course goals and learning objectives related to any of the five broad areas that students are working towards achieving a degree of confidence and proficiency in while they are enrolled in FYW courses:

  1. Developing Rhetorical Awareness and Knowledge
  2. Understanding and Engaging with Reading and Writing as Processes
  3. Developing Critical Thinking, Reading, Writing, and Researching Skills
  4. Composing in Manual and Digital Environments
  5. Developing Knowledge and Understanding of  the Conventions of Academic Writing

Instructors and students can use the fourth hour to engage in active learning exercises that promote course goals and learning objectives related to any of the five broad areas that students are working towards achieving a degree of confidence and proficiency in while they are enrolled in FYW courses:

  1. Developing Rhetorical Awareness and Knowledge
  2. Understanding and Engaging with Reading and Writing as Processes
  3. Developing Critical Thinking, Reading, Writing, and Researching Skills
  4. Composing in Manual and Digital Environments
  5. Developing Knowledge and Understanding of  the Conventions of Academic Writing

Such active learning exercises can be, but are not limited to:

  • workshopping drafts
  • invention and brainstorming exercises
  • composing
  • editing
  • revising
  • active or guided reading
  • active or guided discussion of writing strategies, reading strategies, research strategies, critical thinking skills, or academic convenions, including the structure and use of  language and dialects, for instance Standard Written English

While instructors are encouraged to be creative in their approach to designing curricula for the workshop/lab-hour, it is important that this additional class time NOT be dedicated to 1/ instructor-dominated discussion, 2/ actual or practice test-taking, 3/ unstructured “study-hall” activities.

Sample lab-hour activities by week are available here.  Additional Writing Lab Hour Assignments and Activities are available here.  Instructors are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to submit Writing Lab Hour Assignments and Activities by using the form below.

Writing Lab Hour Assignment/Activity

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