City Tech Course eFolders

City Tech has transitioned to a fully electronic record keeping system for all courses.  This system is a college-based system that supplements the CUNYFirst college-wide system for submitting grades.  With the new eFolder system, instructors are required to submit their grade and attendance records to the department as an electronic file at the end of each semester.  While instructors are welcome to keep paper-based grade and attendance records for their courses, they are STRONGLY encouraged to consider keeping grade and attendance records electronically since this will save them considerable time at the end of the semester when submitting final grades and Course eFolders.

You can access a blank Course eFolder for Excel here and via Google Drive here. At this point, the Course eFolders work best in Microsoft Excel.  However, I have ported the Excel file to Google Drive for those who prefer to access the file online.  It is recommended that you keep a version of your Course eFolder in Excel at some point since that is the official file format for submitting eFolders at the end of the semester.

In order to populate your Course eFolder, login to CUNYFirst and locate your course section.  Once you have pulled up a course roster, you can DOWNLOAD this file as an Excel file.  From this file, it is possible to copy the names of students registered in your course and CUNY IDs for each and then paste these into your Course eFolder.  Once you have done that, you should name and save the file.  While you can name the file in any way you choose, at the end of the semester, you will need to save and submit the file according to the following naming conventions:

CourseNumber Section Number Instructor Name Semester Code.  For Professor Rodgers’ Spring 2017 ENG1101/HD69course, the file will be named as follows:    ENG1101HD69Rodgers1172  (The CUNYFirst semester codes are as follows: Fall: 1YY9; Spring 1YY2)*

For instructors looking to save even more time in filling out Course eFolders, it is possible to copy the dates of each class session from the class schedule included in the ENG1101/1121 Syllabus Template and, by hitting “paste special” and choosing “transpose” in Excel, paste in the dates of all 30 class sessions at the bottom of the Course eFolder.

If you are someone who likes to keep keep track of student grades in an electronic format, you are strongly encouraged to use the Course eFolder for keeping all grades and attendance information.  For anyone interested in reading more about Course eFolders, please take a look at this document prepared by Assistant Provost Brown.


*For those interested in the provenance of this “code,” Professor Bannett has explained that in the language of CUNYFirst, the code refers to “1,” the millennium in which we are living, “14,” the designated year, and “9,” the month in which the fall semester generally commences, or “2,” the month in which the spring semester (at CUNY) generally commences.

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