Monthly Archives: April 2014

Assignment 8: The Farm Bill

While browsing several blog sites I came across a posting by Oran Hesterman’s shedding light on a viable solution to minimize food insecurity and some of its secondary issues.  In this posting he talks about the farm bill.  If congress would have passed the farm bill it would have help those families receiving food stamps maintain a balance and nutritional diet.  Basically by shopping at their local farmers market the recipients will receive a dollar credit for every dollar they spend, redeeming up to $20 per visit.  Not only the individual but the farmer and the local economy stood to gain. In addition to finding a way to help combat hunger in America. With the passing of the farm bill it would of help combat against the secondary issues of food insecurity like obesity and diabetes.  By offering these incentives people are able to maintain a balance and healthy diet while their local economy flourish.


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Assignment 5: How We See Food Insecurity

National Food Insecurity DataFoodInc Chart

Here is a map showing us the percentages of children that are considered to be food insecure. You will see exactly which regions and states are affected the most, and which states are leading the nation in managing this crisis.  Out of fifty states only two states (North Dakota and New Hampshire) fell below what is considered average and over one third of American states are above average conditions.   You have the southern states with the exemption of Louisiana and some western states with an alarming rate of children that are food insecure.  Reaching up to 30% in some states our nation’s capital was not exempt. Falling second to worse in the nation and surpassing all the major cities and states with New Mexico taking number one.  With a national average of 22.9% Americans in the U.S. that falls under this percentile experience food insecurity in a much more different way than the rest of the world.  With the combination of Sub – Saharan Africa, Eastern and Southern Asia these regions of the world make up more than half of the people that are effected by food insecurity. Mainly due to the lack of infrastructure in remote areas, but in America food insecurity seems to be much different.  For example after conducting a research project for an English course, I’ve learned that we have financially polarize cities that contribute negatively to our food insecurity crisis.  In New York City there are about houses 90,000 people with an annual income of 3.7 million dollars. While at the same time there are 900,000 residents of New York City that are living in deep poverty whom all are considered to be food insecure with an annual income of $10,500. With the given information on the chart and map it is a clear indication that something need to be done.  We need to be better informed citizens and band together to help minimizes hunger, promote and demand better services for those in need.

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Chris Brogan Review

What’s your purpose? Chris Brogan explains his reasons to why he and others should put emphasis on good quality articles and postings on social media. In this day and age social media makes it is easy for all of us to express our feelings and concerns towards an array of global issue. With all the free information we come across on the internet it is easy to overlook useful information because it’s free and we’re always able to get back to it but never do. What Brogan is trying to relay to us is that he’s subconsciously taking steps on delivering meaningful and accurate information via his establish media outlets.  All of which is free that may contain the same value of information as if you had paid for it.  With this approach Brogan is focusing on producing material that will be of relevance and will attract the attention of those interested on what’s being discussed.

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Welcome to Food Insecurity

Welcome to “Food Insecurity”, a blog addressing a growing epidemic low-income famlies and even some working class families are facing.  Even with govermental assitant programs and food pantrys across the nation some families are not recieving an adequate nutrional diet they need on a consistant basis. With the establishment this blog I would hope to reach out to a new audience and make us all more aware

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