Image from Pexels
I knew that when it came to my last semester, I would have a very packed schedule but I didn’t know the half of it. A lot of things began to happen and It was pretty close to affecting my work but I stayed on the right path. I knew that I couldn’t fall behind so I had to give it my all no matter how many things I had on my plate.
When I found out that my internship would be remote, I was pretty worried. I thought that it would be hard to maneuver and get my work done. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any choice due to my very tight schedule. My supervisor was aware that I had a tight schedule so he had a good understanding of what I could and could not handle. But that didn’t mean he went easy on me. He made sure to keep me challenged and to give me advice on what to edit.
Now I am not lying when I say my schedule is very packed. I am juggling Senior Project, Portfolio, Internship, Figure drawing, Packaging design, a full-time job, and the gym. Even with this packed schedule I still managed to turn in all my projects on time and I am very proud of that.
I’m glad that I got this opportunity to work for this company. I have grown a lot from this internship and now I feel I am more comfortable when it comes to tackling different projects. I have gained a realistic view of how being in a design department is. When it came to making the brochure for the company it wasn’t completely out of left field but I don’t have a big focus on actual print design. I had to acclimate myself to the correct process of creating designs meant to be printed. This includes making sure the document color space was in CMYK and many other small details. I can now say that I feel truly ready to take on a real design job and I can’t wait to see where my career takes me.