
Institution: New York City College of Technology / CUNY

Program: Electromechanical Engineering Technology

EMT 1130 – Electromechanical Manufacturing Lab

Credits: 1    This course is: Required

Contact Hours: 3    Class Hours: 0    Lab Hours: 3     Ind. Study Hours: 0     Internship Hours: 0

Pre-Requisites: None

Co-Requisites: None

Required Texts [Title. Authors. Publisher. Year.]: None

Other Suggested References or Supplemented Material: Laboratory Manual.

Instructor / Contact Information:

  • Farjana Ferdousy
  • Office: Room V-633
  • Phone #: 718-260-5885
  • Email:
  • All email to the instructor is suggested to be from the

            student’s college academic email account.

  • Using any other public email account may cause email loss or rejection.
  • Please always include “EMT 1130” in the subject line of your email.




  • The final grade will be determined on a combination of all the section in the covered topics, all handouts, and quizzes.
Score % < 60 60-69.9 70-76.9 77-79.9 80-82.9 83-86.9 87-89.9 90-92.9 93-100
Grade F D C C+ B- B B+ A- A

Midterm = 45%, Final = 45%, Class Assignment = 5%, and Attendance = 5%

  • If ALL of the instructions in the lab manual are followed very carefully and in the correct order, the project box should work properly when powered up and tested, after the construction is complete.
  • If the project box fails one or more of the functional tests performed by the instructor after each phase of construction, it means the student did not follow all of steps in the lab manual correctly and/or the quality of the mechanical or electrical construction was not up to the standard required in this course.
  • Any sub-quality work or errors or mistakes made during mechanical construction, circuit board construction or final electrical wiring phases, which cause one or more project box functional tests to fail, will result in a reduction of the grade for the respective phase.


  • Measurements for the top section (1 Class)
  • Making holes on the top section (2 Classes)
  • Putting parts on the top section (1 Class)
  • Measurement for the bottom section and finish making the holes (1 Class)
  • Putting parts on the PC Board (1 Class)
  • Soldering the PC Board and cutting the long silver legs (1 Class)
  • Toggle & Momentary switch setup ( 2 Classes)
  • Rainbow cable setup:
    14 – Pin Setup: 2 Classes
    16 – Pin Setup: 2 Classes
  •  Final assembly (Transformer and power cable setup) and testing (2 Classes)


  • Blackboard web site will be used extensively to provide course material and detailed grading information. Students must make sure their Blackboard login is working in the beginning of the course.

Reading and Reference Material:

Software for Lab / Project:

  • Free / open-source and academic license software applications will be used in the lab and course project. The links to download the software will be posted in Blackboard.


  • Attendance in each class is required.
  • At the beginning of each class, the instructor will make a roll call of all the student names to check the attendance.
  • Any lateness MUST be reported to the instructor by the students before the class is dismissed.
  • A name without on-time attendance nor reported lateness will be considered as absence.
  • 2 lateness will be considered equal to 1 absence.
  • Final perfect attendance score will be 10. Each lateness will lead to ½ point loss, and each absence will lead to 1 point loss in the final attendance score.
  • Being absent for more than 3 times or being late for more than 6 times in a semester may result in a WU or F grade during or at the end of the semester.
  • Any absence due to emergencies (e.g., emergency medical condition or no-fault legal crisis) needs to be notified to the instructor by email or in-person.
  • Excused absences can ONLY be considered with signed explanatory notes from proper party with proper authority.

Classroom Conduct Policy:

  • Cell phone ringing and any other distracting and disruptive behavior such as talking loudly without permission are absolutely prohibited and may cause the student to be expelled from class.
  • Any activity that threatens the college academic integrity will result in a disciplinary action.
  • Please refer to the Student Handbook and the Catalog of New York City College of Technology for a full listing of Student Code of Conduct, Classroom Behavior Guidelines and Academic Integrity Rules.

Academic Integrity Policy:

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.