
Discussion 3

Explore the ATEM Project item (under the menu in this course).

1- Read carefully all the information provided including the STEM application examples, the previous classes examples, the task, rubric, etc.

2-Watch videos and take short notes

3- Discuss here:

a- What was the most impressive thing that you learned, a project that you saw, or any other thing that you would like to share

b-Share anything that you may be planning to explore more about, and/or include in your STEM project. (Topic, application, video, picture, etc)

c) Pick the Topic that you will be working on your individual or group project

Discussion 2

1-Bring your own example of real-life applications using quadratic functions or equations

2-Create your group projects

Discussion 1

Please navigate the site, read the information and discuss it here.


Real-life applications of rational equations

Discussion: Where do you see the applications with rational equations in everyday life?

Use the link to the textbook for examples as a reference, and reply: https://openstax.org/books/intermediate-algebra-2e/pages/7-5-solve-applications-with-rational-equations

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44 thoughts on “Discussions”

  1. The application of rational equations is very prevalent in everyday life. It can be used to calculate how fast something is going, or how long it would take an object to travel a certain distance.

    For example 2.43

    An express train and a charter bus leave Chicago to travel to Champaign. The express train can make the trip in two hours and the bus takes five hours for the trip. The speed of the express train is 42 miles per hour faster than the speed of the bus. Find the speed of the bus.

    Which is trying to figure out the the speed of a bus.

  2. The use of rational equations is around us all of the time. It can be seen everyday, and the use of rational equations can help us solve complex questions in our life.

    For example, Example 7.46 shows the height of Tyler, 6 feet, his shadow of 8 feet, and a tree with a shadow of 24 feet. To find the height of the tree, we can use rational equations to solve this. After doing so, it can be shown the height of the tree to be 18 feet.

  3. The use of rational equations is around us all of the time. It can be seen everyday, and the use of rational equations can help us solve complex questions in our life.

    For example, Example 7.46 shows the height of Tyler, 6 feet, his shadow of 8 feet, and a tree with a shadow of 24 feet. To find the height of the tree, we can use rational equations to solve this. After doing so, it can be shown the height of the tree to be 18 feet.

  4. The use of rational equations is very involved in almost everyones life. It can be used to figure out how much medicine your doctor can prescribe to you.

    For example, example 7.44 when pediatricians prescribe acetaminophen to children, they prescribe 5 milliliters (ml) of acetaminophen for every 25 pounds of the child’s weight. If Zoe weighs 80 pounds, how many milliliters of acetaminophen will her doctor prescribe?

  5. So I had to do some research, and I found out that engineers use rational equations often. engineering system’s pretty real life state equation often results in rational algebraic expressions. By examining the zeros, the poles, and their orders, one can completely determine the behavior of the system. Rational equations are good for describing distance-speed-time questions, and modeling multi-person work problems.

  6. Rational equations are being used around us in our everyday lives. The use of rational equations can help us solve complex questions in our lives.
    Example 7.47:
    An airplane can fly 200 miles into a 30 mph headwind in the same amount of time it takes to fly 300 miles in a 30 mph tailwind. Here we are trying to figure out the speed of the plane. Once we solve the equation, we will then get how fast the plane was traveling which was 150 mph.

  7. Thank you all for your effort and interest in this discussion. You all are bringing amazing examples, and most importantly you’re connecting them to your future profession. We’re just starting. In the reflection pieces and introduction, you all have expressed the idea that you learn best by interacting with one another. You will have a chance to do so especially when working on the STEM project. Keep exploring!!

  8. The use of rational equations is around us all of the time. It can be seen everyday, and the use of rational equations can help us solve complex questions in our life.

    For example,
    It took a car 2.5 hours to travel 150 miles, how fast was the car going to arrive in 2.5 hours? In order to get the result, we must divide the distance traveled and by the time (150/2.5) to get the Miles per Hour (MPH). The result is 60. So, to make the answer in a full sentence, It took a car 2.5 hours traveling at 60 MPH to travel 150 Miles.

  9. Rational Numbers are real numbers which can be written in form of p/q where p,q are integers .

    Uses of rational numbers in our daily life Examples:

    -We use taxes in the form of fractions
    -When you share a pizza or anything.
    -Interest rates on forms and mortgages
    -Interest on a saving accounts

  10. Rational equations We can use in our daily life for example to know the velocity of our car and how faster it is going or how long it would take an object to travel yo a point to another point.
    Jeromy can drive from his house in Cleveland to his college in Chicago in 4.5 hours. It takes his mother six hours to make the same drive. Jeromy drives 20 miles per hour faster than his mother. Find Jeromy’s speed and his mother’s speed.

  11. Rational equations We can use in our daily life for example to know the velocity of our car and how faster it is going or how long it would take an object to travel yo a point to another point.
    Jeromy can drive from his house in Cleveland to his college in Chicago in 4.5 hours. It takes his mother six hours to make the same drive. Jeromy drives 20 miles per hour faster than his mother. Find Jeromy’s speed and his mother’s speed.

  12. Rational equations We can use in our daily life for example to know the velocity of our car and how faster it is going or how long it would take an object to travel yo a point to another point.
    Jeromy can drive from his house in Cleveland to his college in Chicago in 4.5 hours. It takes his mother six hours to make the same drive. Jeromy drives 20 miles per hour faster than his mother. Find Jeromy’s speed and his mother’s speed.

  13. we see the applications with rational equations all the time in everyday life. an example of this would be in electrical circuit and distance problems. trying to wire lights or figure out the speed of a car or plane

  14. The use of rational equations is all around us. It is seen on a daily basis, and the application of rational equations may assist us in solving difficult problems in our lives.

    Example: Rational equations are used by Banks extensively for the calculation of Interest and loans

  15. The use of rational equations in our everyday life can be seen in almost everything we do. Rational equations can help find answers for complex problems and can help you better understand/organize what you’re trying to find.
    For example, in the electrical field, you can use rational equations to solve for resistance in an electrical circuit. I did some research and found an example of this. Let’s say we have three resistors in a circuit. One resistor(R1) runs in series with two other resistors(R2 and R3) that run parallel with each other. The total resistance is 100 ohms and the resistance of R1 and R3 is 22 ohms. What is the resistance of the second resistor? Knowing this we can write out a formula that consists of being a rational equation.
    R = R1 + (R2*R3/R2+R3)

  16. Rational equation can be used to solve real world problems that deals with rates and time. But it can also be used for problems that involves the density of an object. Chemist uses rational equations in chemistry to help them figure out certain problems as well.

  17. Rational equation can be applied in everyday life, for example the distance of a plane and how fast it’s going. Like Example 7.47. Other examples that are not in the website given are in Engineers . They have to solve rational equations in order to finish a project.

  18. We use rational equations all of the time. The uses of rational equations can help us solve complex questions in our life.

    For example, Example 7.46 shows the height of Tyler, 6 feet, his shadow of 8 feet, and a tree with a shadow of 24 feet. To find the height of the tree, we can use rational equations to solve this. After doing so, it can be shown the height of the tree to be 18 feet.

  19. Rational equations can be used to solve many problems that involve rates, times and work. Using rational expressions and equations can help you answer questions about how to combine workers or machines to complete a job on schedule. like how fast something will happen or trying to time the machines to be the most effective for the work

  20. My example of -life applications using quadratic functions or equations:

    For example Balls,Arrows, missiles and stones when you throw a ball (or shoot an arrow ,fire a missile or throw a stone) it goes up in the air, slowing as it travels then comes down again faster and faster, and a quadratic equation tells you its position at all times!

    Calculating Rooms areas. People frequently need to calculate the area of rooms, boxes , or plots of land.

  21. One real-life example of a quadratic equation is if a car was going up and down a hill, this can also be compared to a ball being thrown into the air. The car would slow down when going up a hill like a ball but the velocity of when that object is going down is much greater and through that whole time you while be able to find out what speed it would go at, at a specific time like a quadratic equation.

  22. The use of quadratic equations in real-life examples can be found in the design of a suspension bridge.
    The shape of the cable that goes along the two or more towers on the bridge is usually shaped like a parabola. This is so the total weight of the bridge is distributed evenly along the span of the bridge and as a result, all of the force is distributed and directed back to the ground creating a sturdy and strong bridge. The quadratic equation can be used to find the parabola because the graph of this equation makes a parabola.

    I want to work alone on this project. Thank you

  23. The use of quadratic equations in real-life examples can be found in a banana. You can find the equation of a banana when you put it on graph grid and measure from one root to another.

    I am going to work alone on the project

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