
1.  Project Management 
While working with Professors Chang and Giraldo to create the branding for the At Home exhibition branding (poster, invitation, brochure, name tags), we had to schedule when the posters would go up. The announcement poster, the event poster and the year long poster. We continuously went back and forth getting each projects done to make it all come together. It was amazing to see it all look cohesive and well put together it all came out.
2. Design Skills/Techniques 
I have develop my skills in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, all while trying new things while making the project I have work on throughout the semester. I definitely enjoyed working with photography this semester by taking photos for events at clients. It gave me a chance to practice on something I enjoy I am not currently doing in my classes. During the break, I would like to know more knowledge on photography, as one of my many goals to complete next year.
3. Work Relationships 
Working with the team has been great throughout this semester. I know that keeping the communication with your clients is vital to your entire experience to making a project come together.I definitely found that I have development my communication skills with my client and learning to work with them to have a better relationship with them to get projects done. As an example, working with Lauri in First Year Programs, which went at a pace that was comfortable for both of us. To finish projects, we understood that we both have other projects that we are working on as well and still being able to make it work for both of us.